
This describes the use of the process tree data and visualization modules. These modules can be used with Windows process creation events (ID 4688), Linux auditd logs or Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE)/Microsoft 365 Defender logs. The ProcessTree visualization is built using the Bokeh library.

See the sample ProcessTree Notebook for full code for the examples shown here.

The process tree functionality has two main components:

  • Process Tree creation - this takes a standard log from a single host and builds the parent-child relationships between processes in the data set. There are a set of utility functions to extract individual and partial trees from the processed data set.

  • Process Tree visualization - this takes the processed output from the previous component and displays the process tree using Bokeh plots.


The expected schema for the Linux audit data is as produced by the module in msticpy. This module combines related process exec messages into a single combined message that emulates the Windows 4688 event. This retains the audit schema apart from the following additions:

  • cmdline: this is a concatenation of the a0, a1, etc argument fields

  • EventType: this is the audit message type (SYSCALL, EXECVE, CWD, etc.) - the combined SYSCALL_EXECVE created by auditextract is the only type currently supported.

Support for other formats such as Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and Sysmon is also included.

Plotting process trees

Plotting process trees from process event data involves two stages:

  • Converting the linear event data into an hierarchical tree data structure

  • Plotting the visualization

In most cases you don’t need to worry about these two processes - the standard plot_process_tree function and the pandas accessor function mp_process_tree.plot will try to detect if the input data is in the correct format. If it is not, the process tree builder is automatically applied to the data.

This should work for Windows events, Linux auditd events and MDE process events.

The easiest way to plot process data as a process tree is to use the pandas mp_process_tree accessor.

from msticpy.vis import process_tree

Process tree plot

Here is the same thing using the plot_process_tree function.

from msticpy.vis import process_tree


For full usage, see the later section Process tree plotting parameters

Extracting process trees from logs

You can build a process tree without plotting it. You might want to do this if you want the intermediate data for analysis or if you want to extract a sub-tree for display.

The later section Process Tree utility functions describes some process tree analysis and manipulation functions that you can use on the built process trees.

build_process_tree syntax

See build_process_tree

from msticpy.transform import process_tree


procs (pd.DataFrame)

Process events (Windows 4688 or Linux Auditd)

schema (ProcSchema, optional)

The column schema to use, by default None If None, then the schema is inferred

show_summary (bool, optional)

Shows summary of the built tree, default is False.

debug (bool, optional)

If True produces extra debugging output, by default False

The following example shows importing the require modules and reading in test data. We then call build_process_tree to extract the parent-child relationships between processes.

from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd
from msticpy.vis import process_tree

win_procs = pd.read_pickle("../demos/data/win_proc_test.pkl")
p_tree_win = process_tree.build_process_tree(win_procs, show_summary=True)

The tree builder process, tries to infer the schema (you can override this with the schema parameter) and assembles process parent-child relationships. It creates unique keys (the proc_key column) for each process, based on the imagepath + process id + timecreated. It then tries to find the parent process in the same dataset or infer the parent from the data in the created process event. How it does this differs slightly between input data formats. It then adds a parent_key field to each child record for the parent record (found or inferred).

This modified dataframe is returned from build_process_tree. If you supply show_summary=True parameter it will also output some statistics about the created tree.

{'Processes': 1010, 'RootProcesses': 10, 'LeafProcesses': 815, 'BranchProcesses': 185, 'IsolatedProcesses': 0, 'LargestTreeDepth': 7}

The example below shows using two of the process tree utility functions to extract the descendants (children, grandchildren, etc) of one of the root process rows and then display the subtree.


“root” process, in this context means any process whose parent could not be determined. This is not necessarily the actual root process for this tree. A typical data set will have more than one “root” process - this might be better thought of as “earliest discovered ancestor process” but that’s a bit of a mouthful.

“Root” processes are flagged in the data by an IsRoot column with the value True.

proc_tree = process_tree.get_descendents(p_tree_win, process_tree.get_roots(p_tree_win).iloc[2])
process_tree.plot_process_tree(data=proc_tree, legend_col="SubjectUserName", show_table=True)
Process tree plot

Process Tree Plotting Syntax

See plot_process_tree and build_and_show_process_tree

    data, schema=None, output_var=None,
    legend_colNone, show_table=False,

Process tree plotting parameters

data (pd.DataFrame)

DataFrame containing one or more Process Trees. This should be the output of build_process_tree described above.

schema (Dict | ProcSchema, optional)

The data schema to use for the data set, by default None. If None the schema is inferred. A schema object maps generic field names (e.g. process_name) on to a data-specific name (e.g. exe in the case of Linux audit data). This is usually not required since the function will try to infer the schema from fields in the input DataFrame. This can be supplied as a ProcSchema instance or a dictionary with required schema mappings.

output_var (str, optional)

Output variable for selected items in the tree, by default None. Setting this lets you return the keys of any items selected in the bokeh plot. For example, if you supply the string “my_results” and then select one or more processes in the tree, the Python variable my_results will be populated with a list of keys (index items) of the corresponding rows in the input DataFrame.


Due to restrictions on javascript execution in many notebook environments, this only works in Jupyter classic.

legend_col (str, optional)

The column used to color the tree items, by default None. If this column is a string, the values will be treated as categorical data and map unique values to different colors and display a legend of the mapping. If this column is a numeric or datetime value, the values will be treated as continuous and a color gradient bar will be displayed indicating the mapping of values on to the color gradient.

show_table (bool)

Set to True to show the data table, by default False. Shows the source values as a data table beneath the process tree.

height (int, optional)

The height of the plot figure (the default is 700)

width (int, optional)

The width of the plot figure (the default is 900)

title (str, optional)

Title to display (the default is None)

hide_legend (bool, optional)

Hide the legend box, even if legend_col is specified.

pid_fmt (str, optional)

Display Process ID as ‘dec’ (decimal) or ‘hex’ (hexadecimal), default is ‘hex’.


Large data sets (more than a few hundred processes)

These will normally be handled well by the Bokeh plot (up to multiple tens of thousands or more) but it will make navigation of the tree more difficult. In particular, the range tool (on the right of the main plot) will be difficult to manipulate. Split the input data into smaller chunks before plotting.


Range Tool and Font Size Avoid using Range tool to change the size of the displayed plot. The font size does not scale based on how much data is shown. If you use the range tool to select too large a subset of the data in the main plot, the font will become unreadable. If this happens, use the reset tool to set the plot back to its defaults. Dragging the range box along the tree, rather than dragging individual edges (resulting in resizing the range) will give more readable results.

Linux Process Tree

The process for visualizing Linux process trees is almost identical to visualizing Windows processes.


This assumes that the Linux audit log has been read from a file using read_from_file or read from Azure Sentinel/Log Analytics using the LinuxAudit.auditd_all query and processed using extract_events_to_df function. Using either of these, the audit messages events related to a single process start are merged into a single row.

See :doc: ../data_acquisition/CollectingLinuxAuditLogs.rst for more details.

Also, see the section Adapting the input schema of your data for details about using different input schemas.

# Process Linux audit events. Show verbose output.

p_tree_lx = process_tree.build_process_tree(linux_proc, show_progress=True, debug=True)
Original # procs 34345
Merged # procs 34345
Merged # procs - dropna 11868
Unique merged_procs index in merge 34345
These two should add up to top line
Rows with dups 0
Rows with no dups 34345
0 + 34345 = 34345
original: 34345 inferred_parents 849 combined 35194
has parent time 20177
effectivelogonId in subjectlogonId 35190
parent_proc_lc in procs 34345
ProcessId in ParentProcessId 21431
Parent_key in proc_key 34345
Parent_key not in proc_key 845
Parent_key is NA 845
{'Processes': 35190, 'RootProcesses': 845, 'LeafProcesses': 17664, 'BranchProcesses': 16681, 'IsolatedProcesses': 0, 'LargestTreeDepth': 10}
# Take one of the roots from the process set and get the full tree beneath it
t_root = process_tree.get_roots(p_tree_lx).iloc[7]
full_tree = process_tree.get_descendents(p_tree_lx, t_root)
print("Full tree size:", len(full_tree))
Full tree size: 3032
process_tree.plot_process_tree(data=full_tree[:1000], legend_col="cwd")
Process tree plot

Plotting Using a color gradient

# Read in and process some data - this contains a Rarity column indicating
# how common the process is in analyzed data set.
proc_rarity = pd.read_pickle("../demos/data/procs_with_cluster.pkl")
proc_rarity_tree = process_tree.build_process_tree(proc_rarity, show_progress=True)
{'Processes': 22992, 'RootProcesses': 31, 'LeafProcesses': 15587, 'BranchProcesses': 7374, 'IsolatedProcesses': 0, 'LargestTreeDepth': 839}
# Get the root processes from the process tree data
prar_roots = process_tree.get_roots(proc_rarity_tree)

# Find the tree with the highest Rarity Score and
# calculate the AverageRarity for proceses in that tree.
# NOTE: this code is only needed to help us choose likely trees to view
# it is not needed for the plotting.
tree_rarity = []
for row_num, (ix, row) in enumerate(prar_roots.iterrows()):
    rarity_tree = process_tree.get_descendents(proc_rarity_tree, row)
        "Row": row_num,
        "RootProcess": prar_roots.loc[ix].NewProcessName,
        "TreeSize:": len(rarity_tree),
        "AverageRarity": rarity_tree["Rarity"].mean()

pd.DataFrame(tree_rarity).sort_values("AverageRarity", ascending=False)
    Row                                        RootProcess  TreeSize:
27   27                    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe          4
23   23                    C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe          2
22   22                       C:\Windows\System32\smss.exe         30
20   20  C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\Insta...          2
9     9                       C:\Windows\System32\smss.exe          7
7     7  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\plat...         46
# Plot the tree using the Rarity column as the legend_col parameter.
svcs_tree = process_tree.get_descendents(proc_rarity_tree, prar_roots.iloc[22])
process_tree.plot_process_tree(svcs_tree, legend_col="Rarity", show_table=True)
Process tree plot

Process Tree utility Functions

The process_tree_utils module has a number of functions that may be useful in extracting or manipulating process trees or tree relationships.

These typically take a procs parameter - the DataFrame containing the process trees. Processes that perform navigation relative to another process (get_parent, get_children, etc.) also take a source parameter - the process that is the origin of the navigation.

Some functions also have an include_source parameter, e.g. get_children. This controls whether the function will include the source process in the results.



Get summary information.

{'Processes': 1010,
 'RootProcesses': 10,
 'LeafProcesses': 815,
 'BranchProcesses': 185,
 'IsolatedProcesses': 0,
 'LargestTreeDepth': 7}


Get roots of all trees in the data set.

# Get roots of all trees in the set


Get the full tree beneath a process.

get_descendents takes an include_source parameter. Setting this to True returns the source process with the result set.

# Take one of those roots and get the full tree beneath it
t_root = process_tree.get_roots(p_tree_win).loc["c:\windowsazure\guestagent_2.7.41491.901_2019-01-14_202614\waappagent.exe0x19941970-01-01 00:00:00.000000"]
full_tree = process_tree.get_descendents(p_tree_win, t_root)


Get the immediate children of a process

get_children takes an include_source parameter. Setting this to True returns the source process with the result set.

# Just get the immediate children of the root process
children = process_tree.get_children(p_tree_win, t_root)


Get the depth of a tree.

# Get the depth of the full tree
depth = process_tree.get_tree_depth(full_tree)
print(f"depth of tree is {depth}")
depth of tree is 4



Get the parent process or all ancestors.

get_ancestors takes an include_source parameter. Setting this to True returns the source process with the result set.

# Get Ancestors
# Get a child process that's at the bottom of the tree
btm_descnt = full_tree[full_tree["path"].str.count("/") == depth - 1].iloc[0]

display(process_tree.get_parent(p_tree_win, btm_descnt)[:20])
process_tree.get_ancestors(p_tree_win, btm_descnt).head()

TenantId                           52b1ab41-869e-4138-9e40-2a4457f09bf0
Account                                      WORKGROUP\MSTICAlertsWin1$
EventID                                                            4688
TimeGenerated                                2019-02-09 23:20:15.547000
Computer                                                MSTICAlertsWin1
SubjectUserSid                                                 S-1-5-18
SubjectUserName                                        MSTICAlertsWin1$
SubjectDomainName                                             WORKGROUP
SubjectLogonId                                                    0x3e7
NewProcessId                                                      0xccc
NewProcessName                              C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
TokenElevationType                                               %%1936
ProcessId                                                        0x123c
CommandLine                                                       "cmd"
ParentProcessName     C:\WindowsAzure\GuestAgent_2.7.41491.901_2019-...
TargetLogonId                                                       0x0
SourceComputerId                   263a788b-6526-4cdc-8ed9-d79402fe4aa0
TimeCreatedUtc                               2019-02-09 23:20:15.547000
EffectiveLogonId                                                  0x3e7
new_process_lc                              c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
Name: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe0xccc2019-02-09 23:20:15.547000, dtype: object

                                                                                TenantId  \
c:\windowsazure\guestagent_2.7.41491.901_2019-0...  52b1ab41-869e-4138-9e40-2a4457f09bf0
c:\windowsazure\guestagent_2.7.41491.901_2019-0...  52b1ab41-869e-4138-9e40-2a4457f09bf0
c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe0xccc2019-02-09 23:2...  52b1ab41-869e-4138-9e40-2a4457f09bf0
c:\windows\system32\conhost.exe0x14ec2019-02-09...  52b1ab41-869e-4138-9e40-2a4457f09bf0


[4 rows x 35 columns]


get_process retrieves a process record by its key. The process returned is a single row - a pandas Series.

proc_key =
process_tree.get_process(p_tree_win, proc_key)
c:\windows\system32\conhost.exe0x14ec2019-02-09 23:20:15.560000
process2 = full_tree[full_tree["path"].str.count("/") == depth - 1].iloc[-1]
'c:\\windows\\system32\\conhost.exe0x15842019-02-10 15:24:56.050000'


Get the siblings of a process.

get_siblings takes an include_source parameter. Setting this to True returns the source process with the result set.

src_proc = process_tree.get_children(p_tree_win, t_root, include_source=False).iloc[0]
process_tree.get_siblings(p_tree_win, src_proc, include_source=True).head()
                                                                                TenantId  \
c:\windowsazure\guestagent_2.7.41491.901_2019-0...  52b1ab41-869e-4138-9e40-2a4457f09bf0
c:\windowsazure\guestagent_2.7.41491.901_2019-0...  52b1ab41-869e-4138-9e40-2a4457f09bf0
c:\windowsazure\secagent\wasecagentprov.exe0xda...  52b1ab41-869e-4138-9e40-2a4457f09bf0

[5 rows x 35 columns]


Return text rendering of the process tree.

This function returns a text rendering of the process tree.

from msticpy.transform.proc_tree_schema import WIN_EVENT_SCHEMA
print(process_tree.tree_to_text(p_tree_win, schema=WIN_EVENT_SCHEMA))
+--  Process: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Monitoring AgentAgentMonitoringHost.exe
   PID: 0x888
   Time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00
   Cmdline: nan
   Account: nan  LoginID: 0x3e7
   +--  Process: C:WindowsSystem32cscript.exe  PID: 0x364
      Time: 2019-01-15 04:15:26+00:00
      Cmdline: "C:Windowssystem32cscript.exe" /nologo
      Account: WORKGROUPMSTICAlertsWin1$  LoginID: 0x3e7
   +--  Process: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Monitoring AgentAgentHealth Service
      StateCT_602681692NativeDSCDesiredStateConfigurationASMHost.exe  PID:
      Time: 2019-01-15 04:16:24.007000+00:00
      Cmdline: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Monitoring AgentAgentHealth
         GetInventory "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Monitoring
         AgentAgentHealth Service
         StateCT_602681692workServiceStateServiceState.mof" "C:Program
         FilesMicrosoft Monitoring AgentAgentHealth Service
      Account: WORKGROUPMSTICAlertsWin1$  LoginID: 0x3e7
      +--  Process: C:WindowsSystem32conhost.exe  PID: 0x99c
         Time: 2019-01-15 04:16:24.027000+00:00
         Cmdline: ??C:Windowssystem32conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
         Account: WORKGROUPMSTICAlertsWin1$  LoginID: 0x3e7

Create a network from a Tree using Networkx

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
p_graph = nx.DiGraph()

p_graph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(
    edge_attr=["TimeGenerated", "NewProcessName", "NewProcessId"],

pos = nx.circular_layout(p_graph)
nx.draw_networkx(p_graph, pos=pos, with_labels=False, node_size=50, fig_size=(10,10))
# Get the root binary name to plot labels (change the split param for Linux)
labels = full_tree.apply(lambda x: x.NewProcessName.split("\\")[-1], axis=1).to_dict()
nx.draw_networkx_labels(p_graph, pos, labels=labels, font_size=10, font_color='k', font_family='sans-serif', font_weight='normal', alpha=1.0)
Networkx plot of process tree

Adapting the input schema of your data

The process tree builder uses generic names to map common event properties such as process name and process ID between different input schemas.

The built-in schemas for Windows 4688, Linux Auditd and Microsoft Defender are shown below.

Generic name

Win 4688 schema

Linux auditd schema

MDE schema















(not used)












(not used)





















(not used)

* indicates a mandatory field. You must supply mappings from your source data for these items. Others are optional but will provide more information to the user in the plotted tree.

If your schema differs from, but is similar to one of the built-in schema mappings you can adapt one of these or supply a custom schema when you build and display the process tree.

There are also two schema properties that you might need to add to the schema.

Mapping property

Win 4688 schema

Linux auditd schema

MDE schema








(not used)

*The event_id_identifier for Windows 4688 schema must be an integer.

The path_separator value is used to extract the process file name (minus the path) in the process tree view.

The event_id_column and event_id_identifier work together and are useful if your input data contains mixed event types. Using these together will tell the process tree builder to filter on events where event_id_column == event_id_identifier. E.g. data[data["EventID"] == 4688]

The example below shows how to adapt an existing Linux schema for different column names in the source schema.

from msticpy.transform.proc_tree_builder import LX_EVENT_SCH
# also WIN_EVENT_SCH and MDE_EVENT_SCH are available
from copy import copy
cust_lx_schema = copy(LX_EVENT_SCH)

cust_lx_schema.time_stamp = "TimeStamp"
cust_lx_schema.host_name_column = "host"
# Note these are used to filter events if you have a data
# set that contains mixed event types.
cust_lx_schema.event_id_column = None
cust_lx_schema.event_id_identifier = None

# now supply the schema as the schema parameter
process_tree.build_process_tree(auditd_df, schema=cust_lx_schema)

You can also supply a schema as a Python dict, with the keys being the generic internal name and the values, the names of the columns in the input data. Both keys and values are strings except where otherwise indicated above. Use blank_schema_dict() to get a blank schema dictionary.

from msticpy.transform.proc_tree_schema import ProcSchema
{'process_name': 'required',
'process_id': 'required',
'parent_id': 'required',
'time_stamp': 'required',
'cmd_line': None,
'path_separator': None,
'user_name': None,
'logon_id': None,
'host_name_column': None,
'parent_name': None,
'target_logon_id': None,
'user_id': None,
'event_id_column': None,
'event_id_identifier': None}

The time_stamp column should be a pandas Timestamp (Python datetime) type. If your data is in another format (e.g. Unix timestamp or date string), the process tree module will try to convert it before building the process tree plot. This uses pandas to convert to native Timestamp

If the auto-conversion does not work, convert the timestamp field before trying to use the process tree tools. The example below shows extracting the timestamp from the auditd mssg_id field.

linux_proc["ts"] = pd.to_numeric(linux_proc["mssg_id"].apply(lambda x: x.split(":")[0]))
# the "ts" column is now a fixed-point number
# Convert to a pandas timestamp.
linux_proc["time_stamp"] = pd.to_datetime(linux_proc.ts, utc=True)

# set the converted column as your time_stamp column.
cust_lx_schema.time_stamp = "time_stamp"