Morph Charts


This module formats data and configuration files for use with In addition it renders in an IFrame within the interface to allow you to generate and interact with the charts generated by the data and configuration files produced. This module is intended to be used in a Notebook environment.

This module uses templated Azure Sentinel KQL queries and templated chart configurations included within MSTICpy.

Finding Charts

There are several ways to find what charts and queries are available for you to use. list_charts() returns a list of all available charts:

from msticpy.vis.morph_charts import MorphCharts
morph = MorphCharts()

You can also use search_charts() to find charts that match a keyword search:


Once you have found a chart you wish to plot you can get further details with get_chart_details(chart_name). This will show the description of the plot as well as the name of the associated KQL query.

The queries can be found under the data source containers and are prefixed with ‘morph’. These queries are called in the same way other queries are:

query_provider.Azure.list_all_signins_geo(start=datetime(2020,4,8), end=datetime(2020,4,10))

Formatting and Rendering

Once you have found the chart you wish to render and have the associated data you can call display() and pass it the data, and chart name:

morph.display(data=query_data, chart_name="SigninsChart")

This will format the data and chart configuration file and put them in a directory named ‘morphchart_package’ in the current working directory. It will also return an IFrame displaying To load the charts within the IFrame click “Choose Files” under “Load Package” heading. Select the ‘description.json’ and ‘query_data.csv’ files under the ‘morphchart_package’ folder to load the customized charts.

Creating New Chart Templates

You can create a add new chart templates for use by this module. The best way to do this is by creating a customized chart set using Once complete save the chart, which will download a filed called ‘description.json’. To add this as a template by creating a YAML file with the following format:

Name: <The name of your chart>
Description: <A description>
Query: <The name of the query associated with your chart>
Tags: <A list of keywords scribing the chart>
DescriptionFile: <The JSON blob from your description.json file>

Then include the file in the msticpy/data/morph_charts folder and it will be discovered next time you initialize an MorphCharts object.