Data Queries Reference

Queries for AzureSentinel

QueryGroup Query Description ReqdParams Table
Azure list_aad_signins_for_account Lists Azure AD Signins for Account account_name (str) SigninLogs
Azure list_aad_signins_for_ip Lists Azure AD Signins for an IP Address ip_address_list (list) SigninLogs
Azure list_all_signins_geo Gets Signin data used by morph charts   SigninLogs
Azure list_azure_activity_for_account Lists Azure Activity for Account account_name (str) AzureActivity
Azure list_azure_activity_for_ip Lists Azure Activity for Caller IP Address(es) ip_address_list (list) AzureActivity
Azure list_azure_activity_for_resource Lists Azure Activity for a Resource resource (str) AzureActivity
AzureNetwork az_net_analytics All Azure Network Analytics Data start (datetime), end (datetime) AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL
AzureNetwork get_heartbeat_for_host Retrieves latest OMS Heartbeat event for host. host_name (str) Heartbeat
AzureNetwork get_heartbeat_for_ip Retrieves latest OMS Heartbeat event for ip address. ip_address (str) Heartbeat
AzureNetwork get_host_for_ip Gets the latest AzureNetworkAnalytics interface event for a host. ip_address (str) AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL
AzureNetwork get_ips_for_host Gets the latest AzureNetworkAnalytics interface event for a host. host_name (str) AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL
AzureNetwork list_azure_network_flows_by_host Retrieves Azure network analytics flow events. host_name (str), start (datetime), end (datetime) AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL
AzureNetwork list_azure_network_flows_by_ip Retrieves Azure network analytics flow events. ip_address_list (list), start (datetime), end (datetime) AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL
AzureSentinel get_bookmark_by_id Retrieves a single Bookmark by BookmarkId bookmark_id (str) HuntingBookmark
AzureSentinel get_bookmark_by_name Retrieves one or more Bookmarks by Bookmark Name bookmark_name (str) HuntingBookmark
AzureSentinel list_bookmarks Retrieves list of bookmarks   HuntingBookmark
AzureSentinel list_bookmarks_for_entity Retrieves bookmarks for entity string entity_id (str) HuntingBookmark
AzureSentinel list_bookmarks_for_tags Retrieves Bookmark by one or mare Tags bookmark_tags (list) HuntingBookmark
Heartbeat get_heartbeat_for_host Retrieves latest OMS Heartbeat event for host. host_name (str) Heartbeat
Heartbeat get_heartbeat_for_ip Retrieves latest OMS Heartbeat event for ip address. ip_address (str) Heartbeat
Heartbeat get_info_by_hostname Retrieves Information by Hostname start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) Heartbeat
Heartbeat get_info_by_ipaddress Retrieves Information by IP address start (datetime), end (datetime), ip_address (str) Heartbeat
LinuxAudit auditd_all Extract all audit messages grouped by mssg_id start (datetime), end (datetime) AuditLog_CL
LinuxSyslog all_syslog Returns all syslog activity for a host start (datetime), end (datetime) Syslog
LinuxSyslog cron_activity All cron activity start (datetime), end (datetime) Syslog
LinuxSyslog list_host_logon_failures All failed user logon events on a host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) Syslog
LinuxSyslog list_logon_failures All failed user logon events on any host start (datetime), end (datetime) Syslog
LinuxSyslog list_logons_for_account All successful user logon events for account (all hosts) start (datetime), end (datetime), account_name (str) Syslog
LinuxSyslog list_logons_for_host All logon events on a host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) Syslog
LinuxSyslog list_logons_for_source_ip All successful user logon events for source IP (all hosts) start (datetime), end (datetime), ip_address (str) Syslog
LinuxSyslog squid_activity All squid proxy activity start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) Syslog
LinuxSyslog sudo_activity All sudo activity start (datetime), end (datetime) Syslog
LinuxSyslog user_group_activity All user/group additions, deletions, and modifications start (datetime), end (datetime) Syslog
LinuxSyslog user_logon All user logon events on a host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) Syslog
MultiDataSource get_timeseries_anomalies Time Series filtered anomalies detected using built-in KQL time series function-series_decompose_anomalies table (str), start (datetime), end (datetime) na
MultiDataSource get_timeseries_data Retrieves TimeSeriesData prepared to use with built-in KQL time series functions table (str), start (datetime), end (datetime) na
MultiDataSource get_timeseries_decompose Time Series decomposition and anomalies generated using built-in KQL time series function- series_decompose table (str), start (datetime), end (datetime) na
MultiDataSource plot_timeseries_datawithbaseline Plot timeseries data using built-in KQL time series decomposition using built-in KQL render method table (str), start (datetime), end (datetime) na
MultiDataSource plot_timeseries_scoreanomolies Plot timeseries anomaly score using built-in KQL render method table (str), start (datetime), end (datetime) na
Network get_heartbeat_for_host Retrieves latest OMS Heartbeat event for host. host_name (str) Heartbeat
Network get_heartbeat_for_ip Retrieves latest OMS Heartbeat event for ip address. ip_address (str) Heartbeat
Network get_host_for_ip Gets the latest AzureNetworkAnalytics interface event for a host. ip_address (str) AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL
Network get_ips_for_host Gets the latest AzureNetworkAnalytics interface event for a host. host_name (str) AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL
Network list_azure_network_flows_by_host Retrieves Azure network analytics flow events. host_name (str), start (datetime), end (datetime) AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL
Network list_azure_network_flows_by_ip Retrieves Azure network analytics flow events. ip_address_list (list), start (datetime), end (datetime) AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL
Office365 list_activity_for_account Lists Office Activity for Account account_name (str) OfficeActivity
Office365 list_activity_for_ip Lists Office Activity for Caller IP Address(es) ip_address_list (list) OfficeActivity
Office365 list_azure_activity_for_resource Lists Office Activity for a Resource resource (str) OfficeActivity
SecurityAlert get_alert Retrieves a single alert by SystemAlertId system_alert_id (str) SecurityAlert
SecurityAlert list_alerts Retrieves list of alerts   SecurityAlert
SecurityAlert list_alerts_counts Retrieves summary count of alerts by type   SecurityAlert
SecurityAlert list_alerts_for_ip Retrieves list of alerts with a common IP Address start (datetime), end (datetime), source_ip_list (str) SecurityAlert
SecurityAlert list_related_alerts Retrieves list of alerts with a common host, account or process   SecurityAlert
ThreatIntelligence list_indicators Retrieves list of all current indicators.   ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
ThreatIntelligence list_indicators_by_domain Retrieves list of indicators by domain observables (list) ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
ThreatIntelligence list_indicators_by_email Retrieves list of indicators by email address observables (list) ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
ThreatIntelligence list_indicators_by_filepath Retrieves list of indicators by file path observables (list) ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
ThreatIntelligence list_indicators_by_hash Retrieves list of indicators by file hash observables (list) ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
ThreatIntelligence list_indicators_by_ip Retrieves list of indicators by IP Address observables (list) ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
ThreatIntelligence list_indicators_by_url Retrieves list of indicators by URL observables (list) ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
WindowsSecurity get_host_logon Retrieves the logon event for the session id on the host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str), logon_session_id (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity get_parent_process Retrieves the parent process of a supplied process start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str), process_name (str), process_id (str), logon_session_id (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity get_process_tree Retrieves the process tree of a supplied process start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str), process_name (str), process_id (str), logon_session_id (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_all_logons_by_host account all failed or successful logons to a host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_events Retrieves list of all events start (datetime), end (datetime) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_events_by_id Retrieves list of events on a host start (datetime), end (datetime), event_list (list) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_host_events Retrieves list of all events on a host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_host_events_by_id Retrieves list of events on a host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_host_logon_failures Retrieves the logon failure events on the host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_host_logons Retrieves the logon events on the host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_host_processes Retrieves list of processes on a host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_hosts_matching_commandline Retrieves processes on hosts with matching commandline start (datetime), end (datetime), process_name (str), commandline (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_logon_attempts_by_account Retrieves the logon events for an account start (datetime), end (datetime), account_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_logon_failures_by_account Retrieves the logon failure events for an account start (datetime), end (datetime), account_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_logons_by_account Retrieves the logon events for an account start (datetime), end (datetime), account_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_matching_processes Retrieves list of processes matching process name start (datetime), end (datetime), process_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_other_events Retrieves list of events other than logon and process on a host start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str) SecurityEvent
WindowsSecurity list_processes_in_session Retrieves all processes on the host for a logon session start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str), process_name (str), process_id (str), logon_session_id (str) SecurityEvent

Queries for LocalData

QueryGroup Query Description ReqdParams Table
Azure list_all_signins_geo List all Azure AD logon events  
Network list_azure_network_flows_by_host List Azure Network flows by host name  
Network list_azure_network_flows_by_ip List Azure Network flows by IP address  
SecurityAlert list_alerts Retrieves list of alerts  
WindowsSecurity get_process_tree Get process tree for a process  
WindowsSecurity list_host_events List events failures on host  
WindowsSecurity list_host_logon_failures List logon failures on host  
WindowsSecurity list_host_logons List logons on host  
WindowsSecurity list_host_processes List processes on host  

Queries for MDE

Queries for SecurityGraph

QueryGroup Query Description ReqdParams Table
SecurityGraphAlert get_alert Retrieves a single alert by AlertId alert_id (str)
SecurityGraphAlert list_alerts Retrieves list of alerts start (datetime), end (datetime)
SecurityGraphAlert list_alerts_for_file Retrieves list of alerts for file name, path or hash start (datetime), end (datetime)
SecurityGraphAlert list_alerts_for_host Retrieves list of alerts for a hostname or FQDN start (datetime), end (datetime), host_name (str)
SecurityGraphAlert list_alerts_for_ip Retrieves list of alerts for a IP Address start (datetime), end (datetime), ip_address (str)
SecurityGraphAlert list_alerts_for_user Retrieves list of alerts for a user account start (datetime), end (datetime)
SecurityGraphAlert list_related_alerts Retrieves list of alerts with a common entity start (datetime), end (datetime)

Queries for Splunk

QueryGroup Query Description ReqdParams Table
Alerts list_all_alerts Retrieves all configured alerts  
SplunkGeneral get_events_parameterized Generic parameterized query from index/source  
SplunkGeneral list_all_datatypes Summary of all events by index and sourcetype  
SplunkGeneral list_all_savedsearches Retrieves all saved searches  
audittrail list_all_audittrail Retrieves all audit trail logs