Cybereason Provider

This driver provides functions to allow you to query a Cybereason instance.

Cybereason Configuration

Authentication for the Cybereason data provider is handled by specifying credentials directly in the connect call or specifying the credentials in MSTICPy config file.

For more information on how to create new user with approapriate roles and permissions, follow the product documentation: User Roles and Permissions and API Guide.

Cybereason Configuration in MSTICPy

Once you created user account with the appropriate roles, you will require the following details to specify while connecting: - TenantId = “instance”. As this is a cloud-based solution, each customer has its dedicated instance. FQDN will be formatted as: “<instance>” - ClientId = “account” (account to connect to Cybereason instance) - ClientSecret = “yoursecret” (secret for the client specified in ClientId)

Once you have details, you can specify it in msticpyconfig.yaml as shown in below example

    TenantId: instance
    ClientId: account
    ClientSecret: yoursecret

Loading and Connecting a QueryProvider for Cybereason

You can instantiate a data provider for Cybereason by specifying the credentials in connect or if left blank details from your MSTICPy config file will be used. If the details are correct and authentication is successful, it will show connected.

cybereason_prov = QueryProvider('Cybereason')
cybereason_prov.connect(TenantId=<instance>, ClientId=<id>, ClientSecret=<secret>)

Listing available queries

Upon connecting to the Cybereason data environment, we can take a look what query options available to us by running QUERY_PROVIDER.list_queries()

For more information, see Getting Help for a query.

This will display all the saved searches from the connected cybereason instance and also pre-built custom queries to do common operations such as list datatypes, list saved searches, alerts, audittrail informaion.


In order to get help for specific query , you can execute QUERY_PROVIDER.<QueryName>? .

For more information, see Getting Help for a query <DataProviders:getting-help-for-a-query>

Query:  list_connections_from_process
Data source:  Cybereason
Search for process with a specific suspicion

customFields: list (optional)
    List of fields to output
    (default value is: ['elementDisplayName', 'direction', 'ownerMachine', 'ownerProcess',
      'serverPort', 'serverAddress','portType', 'aggregatedReceivedBytesCount',
      'aggregatedTransmittedBytesCount', 'remoteAddressCountryName', 'dnsQuery',
      'accessedByMalwareEvidence', 'domainName', 'isExternalConnection',
      'remoteAddressInternalExternalLocal', 'calculatedCreationTime', 'endTime'
end: datetime (optional)
    Query end time
hostname: list
    Hostname where the process is running
pid: list
    Command to search for
start: datetime (optional)
    Query start time
    (default value is: -7)
timeFeatureId: str (optional)
    Time boundary
    (default value is: startFeatureId)
timefield: str (optional)
    Field to use for time
    (default value is: creationTime)

If you want to print the query prior to executing, pass ‘print’ as an argument

cybereason_prov.Connection.list_connections_from_process('print', hostname="hostname", pid=42)
    "queryPath" : [
            "requestedType": "Process",
                    "facetName": "applicablePid",
                    "values":[ 42 ],
                    "facetName": "ownerMachine",
                    "values":[ "hostname" ],
                    "facetName": "creationTime",
                    "values": [ 1643011155594, 1643615955594 ],
            "connectionFeature": {
              "elementInstanceType": "Process",
              "featureName": "connections"
            "requestedType": "Connection",
            "isResult": true
    "customFields": [

If you have set the arguments and then would like to validate the query, use below example

' {
    "queryPath" : [
            "requestedType": "Process",
                    "facetName": "applicablePid",
                    "values":[ 42 ],
                    "facetName": "ownerMachine",
                    "values":[ "hostname" ],
                    "facetName": "creationTime",
                    "values": [ 1642752424307, 1643443624308 ],
            "connectionFeature": {
              "elementInstanceType": "Process",
              "featureName": "connections"
            "requestedType": "Connection",
            "isResult": true
    "customFields": ["elementDisplayName","direction","ownerMachine","ownerProcess",

Running pre-defined queries

In order to run pre-defined query, call the provider followed by the query name. Pre-defined queries can be run with either values specified as arguments or run with default arguments.

For more information , refer to the documentation Running a pre-defined query

remoteAddressCountryName aggregatedReceivedBytesCount endTime portType accessedByMalwareEvidence group elementDisplayName aggregatedTransmittedBytesCount isExternalConnection serverAddress serverPort calculatedCreationTime direction ownerMachine.Machine ownerMachine.Process dnsQuery.DnsQueryResolvedDomainToIp
0 France 1235 2021-12-20 07:01:21 SERVICE_HTTP false 6d0da6b2-e909-411a-95b7-3869f9147919 > 314 false > 80 2021-12-20 07:01:20 OUTGOING hostname process.exe external.domain.tld >

1 row × 16 columns

Running an ad-hoc Cybereason query

You can also create your own query and run it via the Cybereason provider using this syntax: QUERY_PROVIDER.exec_query(<query_text>)

For more information, check documentation Running an ad hoc query

cybereason_query = '''
    "queryPath" : [
        "requestedType": "Connection",
        "isResult": true
df = cybereason_prov.exec_query(cybereason_query)
remoteAddressCountryName aggregatedReceivedBytesCount endTime portType accessedByMalwareEvidence group elementDisplayName aggregatedTransmittedBytesCount isExternalConnection serverAddress serverPort calculatedCreationTime direction ownerMachine.Machine ownerMachine.Process dnsQuery.DnsQueryResolvedDomainToIp
0 France 1235 2021-12-20 07:01:21 SERVICE_HTTP false 6d0da6b2-e909-411a-95b7-3869f9147919 > 314 false > 80 2021-12-20 07:01:20 OUTGOING hostname process.exe external.domain.tld >

Other Cybereason Documentation