GeoIP Lookup


This module contains two classes that allow you to look up the Geolocation of IP Addresses.

MaxMind GeoIPLite

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from

This uses a local database which is downloaded first time when class object is instantiated. It gives very fast lookups but you need to download updates regularly. Maxmind offers a free tier of this database, updated monthly. For greater accuracy and more detailed information they have varying levels of paid service. Please check out their site for more details.

The geoip module uses the official Maxmind PyPi package - geoip2.


This library uses services provided by ipstack.

IPStack is an online service and also offers a free tier of their service. Again, the paid tiers offer greater accuracy, more detailed information and higher throughput. Please check out their site for more details.

Importing the GeoIP classes

# Imports
import sys
if sys.version_info < MIN_REQ_PYTHON:
    print('Check the Kernel->Change Kernel menu and ensure that Python 3.8')
    print('or later is selected as the active kernel.')
    sys.exit("Python %s.%s or later is required.\n" % MIN_REQ_PYTHON)

from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd

from msticpy.datamodel.entities import IpAddress, GeoLocation
from msticpy.context.geoip import GeoLiteLookup, IPStackLookup

Maxmind Geo-IP Lite Lookup Class

See GeoLiteLookup


Maxmind now require an API Key to download database updates. You can create a free account or opt for a paid tier, which gives you greater accuracy and more features.

Setting GeoIPLite configuration options

You can supply options for the GeoLiteLookup class within the msticpyconfig.yaml configuration file (see MSTICPy Package Configuration) or when instantiating the GeoLiteLookup class.

The example shown here shows part of the OtherProviders section of msticpyconfig.yaml. You can specify an API key in the AuthKey setting. For example, AuthKey: abcd424246789 or use a reference to an environment variable holding the key value. The API key you need to specify in the AuthKey setting is you MaxMind License Key that can be found on the MaxMind website under Account > Services.

The DBFolder setting specifies a folder where the downloaded Maxmind database files will be stored and referenced from. Thefolder path can be prefixed with “~” to specify a path relative to the current users home directory (this works cross-platform).


You can specify the MaxMind API key value as an environment variable as follows:

        EnvironmentVar: "MAXMIND_AUTH"
      DBFolder: "~/.msticpy"
    Provider: "GeoLiteLookup"


Alternatively you can specify it directly in the config file in AuthKey:

      AuthKey: "your_maxmind_key"
      DBFolder: "~/.msticpy"
    Provider: "GeoLiteLookup"

You can also specify the API key and folder options when creating an instance of the GeoLiteLookup class. In this case the folder path must be either an absolute or relative path - expansion of “~” will not work reliably cross-platform.

iplocation = GeoLiteLookup(api_key="mykey", db_folder="/tmp/mmdb")

GeoLite Usage

Creating an instance of the GeoLiteLookup class

iplocation = GeoLiteLookup()

You can also supply options to customize the behavior of the local maxmind database.

  • api_key: described above

  • db_folder : Specify custom path containing local Maxmind city database. If not specified, download to .msticpy dir under user’s home directory.

  • force_update : Set to True to force update without an age-check the current database.

  • auto_update : True (default) will check the age of the Maxmind city database if the current database is older than 30 days. Setting to False to skip age checking. force_update=True will override this setting.

Lookup IP location from GeoLite2 database

You can pass a single IP Address, a list of IPAddresses or an IpAddress entity (see IpAddress)

iplocation = GeoLiteLookup()
loc_result, ip_entity = iplocation.lookup_ip(ip_address='')

print('Raw result')

print('IP Address Entity')
No local Maxmind City Database found.  Attempting to downloading new database to /home/nbuser/.msticpy
Downloading GeoLite DB archive from MaxMind....
Extracting city database...
Extraction complete. Local Maxmind city DB: /home/nbuser/.msticpy/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
Raw result
[{'continent': {'code': 'EU',
   'geoname_id': 6255148,
   'names': {'de': 'Europa',
    'en': 'Europe',
    'es': 'Europa',
    'fr': 'Europe',
    'ja': 'ヨーロッパ',
    'pt-BR': 'Europa',
    'ru': 'Европа',
    'zh-CN': '欧洲'}},
  'country': {'geoname_id': 2017370,
   'iso_code': 'RU',
   'names': {'de': 'Russland',
    'en': 'Russia',
    'es': 'Rusia',
    'fr': 'Russie',
    'ja': 'ロシア',
    'pt-BR': 'Rússia',
    'ru': 'Россия',
    'zh-CN': '俄罗斯'}},
  'location': {'accuracy_radius': 1000,
   'latitude': 55.7386,
   'longitude': 37.6068,
   'time_zone': 'Europe/Moscow'},
  'registered_country': {'geoname_id': 2017370,
   'iso_code': 'RU',
   'names': {'de': 'Russland',
    'en': 'Russia',
    'es': 'Rusia',
    'fr': 'Russie',
    'ja': 'ロシア',
    'pt-BR': 'Rússia',
    'ru': 'Россия',
    'zh-CN': '俄罗斯'}},
  'traits': {'ip_address': ''}}]
IP Address Entity

IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},

Looking up a list of IP Addresses with GeoLiteLookup

import socket
socket_info = socket.getaddrinfo("",0,0,0,0)

ips = [res[4][0] for res in socket_info]

_, ip_entities = iplocation.lookup_ip(ip_addr_list=ips)
['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2a04:4e42::223', '2a04:4e42::223', '2a04:4e42::223', '2a04:4e42:600::223', '2a04:4e42:600::223', '2a04:4e42:600::223', '2a04:4e42:400::223', '2a04:4e42:400::223', '2a04:4e42:400::223', '2a04:4e42:200::223', '2a04:4e42:200::223', '2a04:4e42:200::223']
[IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=, Location={ 'AdditionalData': {},
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Latitud...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Latitud...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Latitud...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42:600::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Lat...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42:600::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Lat...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42:600::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Lat...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42:400::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Lat...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42:400::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Lat...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42:400::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Lat...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42:200::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Lat...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42:200::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Lat...),
 IpAddress(Type=ipaddress, Address=2a04:4e42:200::223, Location={'AdditionalData': {}, 'Lat...)]

IPStack Geo-lookup Class

See IPStackLookup


IPStack requires an IPStack API Key. If you have a paid tier service with IPStack you should enable the bulk lookup option when instantiating the class. This allows more efficient batching when querying multiple IP Addresses. Trying to use option with the free tier will result in the request being rejected.

Setting IPStack configuration options

You can supply options for the IPStack class within the msticpyconfig.yaml configuration file (see MSTICPy Package Configuration) or when instantiating the class.

The example shown here shows part of the OtherProviders section of msticpyconfig.yaml. You can specify an API key in the AuthKey setting. For example, AuthKey: abcd424246789 or use a reference to an environment variable holding the key value, as shown in the example.

      AuthKey: "987654321-222"
    Provider: "IPStackLookup"

IPStack Usage

Manually Entering the IPStack Key

# Enter your IPStack Key here
ips_key = nbwidgets.GetEnvironmentKey(env_var='IPSTACK_API_KEY',
                           help_str='To obtain an API key sign up here',
                           prompt='IPStack API key:')
iplocation = IPStackLookup(api_key=ips_key.value)

Lookup IP location from IPStack

# Assumes that you have configured the AuthKey value in msticpyconfig.yaml
iplocation = IPStackLookup()
loc_result, ip_entity = iplocation.lookup_ip(ip_address='')
print('Raw result')

print('IP Address Entity')
Raw result
[({'ip': '',
   'type': 'ipv4',
   'continent_code': 'EU',
   'continent_name': 'Europe',
   'country_code': 'RU',
   'country_name': 'Russia',
   'region_code': None,
   'region_name': None,
   'city': None,
   'zip': None,
   'latitude': 55.7386,
   'longitude': 37.6068,
   'location': {'geoname_id': None,
    'capital': 'Moscow',
    'languages': [{'code': 'ru', 'name': 'Russian', 'native': 'Русский'}],
    'country_flag': '',
    'country_flag_emoji': '🇷🇺',
    'country_flag_emoji_unicode': 'U+1F1F7 U+1F1FA',
    'calling_code': '7',
    'is_eu': False}},
IP Address Entity
{"Address": "", "Location": {"CountryCode": "RU", "CountryName": "Russia", "Longitude": 37.6068, "Latitude": 55.7386, "Type": "geolocation"}, "Type": "ipaddress"}

Looking up a list of IP Addresses with IPStackLookup

loc_result, ip_entities = iplocation.lookup_ip(ip_addr_list=ips)

[{"Address": "2a04:4e42:400::223", "Location": {"Longitude": 8, "Latitude": 47, "Type": "geolocation"}, "Type": "ipaddress"},
 {"Address": "2a04:4e42:200::223", "Location": {"Longitude": 8, "Latitude": 47, "Type": "geolocation"}, "Type": "ipaddress"},
 {"Address": "2a04:4e42:600::223", "Location": {"Longitude": 8, "Latitude": 47, "Type": "geolocation"}, "Type": "ipaddress"},
 {"Address": "2a04:4e42::223", "Location": {"Longitude": 8, "Latitude": 47, "Type": "geolocation"}, "Type": "ipaddress"},
 {"Address": "", "Location": {"CountryCode": "US", "CountryName": "United States", "Longitude": -97.822, "Latitude": 37.751, "Type": "geolocation"}, "Type": "ipaddress"},
 {"Address": "", "Location": {"CountryCode": "US", "CountryName": "United States", "Longitude": -97.822, "Latitude": 37.751, "Type": "geolocation"}, "Type": "ipaddress"},
 {"Address": "", "Location": {"CountryCode": "US", "CountryName": "United States", "Longitude": -97.822, "Latitude": 37.751, "Type": "geolocation"}, "Type": "ipaddress"},
 {"Address": "", "Location": {"CountryCode": "US", "CountryName": "United States", "Longitude": -97.822, "Latitude": 37.751, "Type": "geolocation"}, "Type": "ipaddress"}]

Taking input from a pandas DataFrame

See df_lookup_ip

The base class for both implementations has a method that sources the ip addresses from a dataframe column and returns a new dataframe with the location information merged with the input frame.

Pass the input DataFrame using the data parameter and specify a column name containing the IPAddresses with the column parameter.

Creating a Custom GeopIP Lookup Class

You can derive a class that implements the same operations to use with a different GeoIP service by subclassing the GeoIpLookup class.

See GeoIpLookup

You should override the lookup_ip method implementing your own method of geoip lookup.

Calculating Geographical Distances

Use the geo_distance function from msticpy.context.geoip to calculate distances between two locations.

I am indebted to Martin Thoma who posted this solution (which I’ve modified slightly) on Stackoverflow.

from msticpy.context.geoip import geo_distance
_, ip_entity1 = iplocation.lookup_ip(ip_address='')
_, ip_entity2 = iplocation.lookup_ip(ip_address='')

dist = geo_distance(origin=(ip_entity1[0].Location.Latitude, ip_entity1[0].Location.Longitude),
                    destination=(ip_entity2[0].Location.Latitude, ip_entity2[0].Location.Longitude))
print(f'\nDistance between IP Locations = {round(dist, 1)}km')
{ 'Address': '',
  'Location': { 'CountryCode': 'RU',
                'CountryName': 'Russia',
                'Latitude': 55.7386,
                'Longitude': 37.6068,
                'Type': 'geolocation'},
  'Type': 'ipaddress'}
{ 'Address': '',
  'Location': { 'CountryCode': 'US',
                'CountryName': 'United States',
                'Latitude': 37.751,
                'Longitude': -97.822,
                'Type': 'geolocation'},
  'Type': 'ipaddress'}

Distance between IP Locations = 8796.8km
dist2 = entity_distance(ip_entity1[0],ip_entity2[0])
print(f'\nDistance between IP Entity Locations = {round(dist2, 1)}km')
Distance between IP Locations = 8796.8km

See also

Folium Map Plotting