msticpy.vis.foliummap module
Folium map class.
- class msticpy.vis.foliummap.FoliumMap(title: str = 'OpenStreetMap', zoom_start: float = 2.5, tiles=None, width: str = '100%', height: str = '100%', location: list | None = None)
Wrapper class for Folium/Leaflet mapping.
Create an instance of the folium map.
- Parameters:
title (str, optional) – Name of the main tile layer (the default is ‘OpenStreetMap’)
zoom_start (int, optional) – The zoom level of the map (the default is 7)
tiles ([type], optional) – Custom set of tiles or tile URL (the default is None)
width (str, optional) – Map display width (the default is ‘100%’)
height (str, optional) – Map display height (the default is ‘100%’)
location (list, optional) – Location to center map on
- folium_map
The map object.
- Type:
- add_feature_sub_groups(subgroups: Iterable[folium.plugins.FeatureGroupSubGroup])
Add FeatureGroupSubGroups and to the map.
- Parameters:
subgroups (Iterable[FeatureGroupSubGroup]) – Iterable of FeatureGroupSubGroups
- add_geo_hashes(geohashes: Iterable[str], **kwargs)
Add decoded geohashes to the map.
- Parameters:
geohashes (Iterable[str]) – Iterable of geolocation hashes
layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.
kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)
- add_geoloc_cluster(geo_locations: Iterable[GeoLocation], **kwargs)
Add a collection of GeoLocation objects to the map.
- Parameters:
geo_locations (Iterable[GeoLocation]) – Iterable of GeoLocation entities.
layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.
kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)
- add_ip_cluster(ip_entities: Iterable[IpAddress], layer: str | None = None, **kwargs)
Add a collection of IP Entities to the map.
- Parameters:
ip_entities (Iterable[IpAddress]) – a iterable of IpAddress Entities
layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.
kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)
- add_ips(ip_addresses: Iterable[str], **kwargs)
Add a collection of GeoLocation objects to the map.
- Parameters:
ip_addresses (Iterable[str]) – Iterable of ip strings.
layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.
kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)
- add_locations(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], **kwargs)
Add a collection of lat/long tuples to the map.
- Parameters:
locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Iterable of location tuples.
layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.
kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)
- add_locations_to_feature_subgroup(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], subgroup: folium.plugins.FeatureGroupSubGroup, **kwargs)
Create markers from locations and add the FeatureGroupSubGroup.
- Parameters:
locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Collection of Latitude/Longitude coordinates to be added to the FeatureGroupSubGroup
subgroup (FeatureGroupSubGroup) – Subgroup to add locations to, then add to the map
- add_locations_to_marker_cluster(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], cluster: folium.plugins.MarkerCluster, **kwargs)
Create markers from locations and add to MarkerCluster.
- Parameters:
locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Collection of Latitude/Longitude coordinates to be added to the MarkerCluster
cluster (MarkerCluster) – Marker cluster to add locations to, then add to the map
- add_marker_clusters(clusters: Iterable[folium.plugins.MarkerCluster])
Add MarkerClusters and to the map.
- Parameters:
clusters (Iterable[MarkerCluster]) – Iterable of MarkerClusters
- center_map()
Calculate and set map center based on current coordinates.
- static create_feature_sub_group_of_marker_cluster(cluster: folium.plugins.MarkerCluster, name: str) folium.plugins.FeatureGroupSubGroup
Return a FeatureGroupSubGroup with name for a MarkerCluster.
- Parameters:
cluster (MarkerCluster) – Folium MarkerCluster to add FeatureGroupSubGroup to
name (str) – Desired name of the MarkerCluster
- Returns:
A Folium FeatureGroupSubGroup with the provided name as part of the given MarkerCluster
- Return type:
- static create_marker(location: Tuple[float, float], tooltip: str | None = None, popup: str | None = None, **kwargs) folium.Marker
Create and return a Folium Marker at a given location.
- Parameters:
location (Tuple[float,float]) – Latitude/Longitude coordinates for the Marker
tooltip (str [Optional]) – Tooltip text for the Marker
popup (str [Optional]) – Popup text for the Marker
- Returns:
A Folium Marker at the given location coordinates
- Return type:
- static create_marker_cluster(name: str)
Create and return a MarkerCluster with name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the MarkerCluster
- Returns:
A Folium MarkerCluster with the provided name
- Return type:
- create_new_cluster_with_geohashes(geohashes: Iterable[str], name: str, **kwargs)
Create a MarkerCluster and add geohash locations.
- Parameters:
geohashes (Iterable[str]) – Collection of geohashes to be decoded and added to the MarkerCluster
name (str) – Name of Marker Cluster to create, add locations to, then add to the map
- create_new_cluster_with_locations(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], name: str, **kwargs)
Create a MarkerCluster with locations.
- Parameters:
locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Collection of Latitude/Longitude coordinates to be added to the MarkerCluster
name (str) – Name of Marker Cluster to create, add locations to, then add to the map
- create_new_subgroup_with_geohashes(geohashes: Iterable[str], subgroup_name: str, cluster_name: str, **kwargs)
Create a FeatureSubGroup with collection of geohash locations.
- Parameters:
geohashes (Iterable[str]) – Collection of geohashes to be decoded and added to the FeatureGroupSubGroup
subgroup_name (str) – Name of SubGroup to create, add locations to, then add to the map
cluster_name (str) – Name of the Marker Cluster to create and add the SubGroup to
- create_new_subgroup_with_locations(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], subgroup_name: str, cluster_name: str, **kwargs)
Create subgroup of markers from locations.
- Parameters:
locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Collection of Latitude/Longitude coordinates to be added to the FeatureGroupSubGroup
subgroup_name (str) – Name of FeatureGroupSubGroup to create, add locations to, then add to the map
cluster_name (str) – Name of the cluster
This function creates a marker cluster and FeatureGroupSubGroup, then add the locations to the subgroup, then add the subgroup to the map.
- enable_layer_control()
Enable Layer Control on the map.
- Parameters:
- save_map(path: str)
Save the map to path.
- Parameters:
path (str) – File path to save the current map
- msticpy.vis.foliummap.decode_geo_hash(geohash: str) Tuple[float, float, float, float]
Decode a geohash.
- Parameters:
geohash (str) – A string representation of a location
- Returns:
Tuple representation of a geohash, format of: (Latitude, Longitude, Latitude Error interval, Longitude Error Interval)
- Return type:
- Raises:
MsticpyMissingDependencyError – If pygeohash is not installed.
- msticpy.vis.foliummap.decode_geohash_collection(geohashes: Iterable[str])
Return collection of geohashes decoded into location coordinates.
- Parameters:
geohashes (Iterable[str]) – Collection of geohashes to be decoded
- Returns:
Collection of location coordinates in Latitude/Longitude
- Return type:
Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]
- msticpy.vis.foliummap.get_center_geo_locs(loc_entities: Iterable[GeoLocation], mode: str = 'median') Tuple[float, float]
Return the geographical center of the geo locations.
- Parameters:
loc_entities (Iterable[GeoLocation]) – GeoLocation entities with location information
mode (str, optional) – The averaging method to use, by default “median”. “median” and “mean” are the supported values.
- Returns:
Tuple of latitude, longitude
- Return type:
Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]
- msticpy.vis.foliummap.get_center_ip_entities(ip_entities: Iterable[IpAddress], mode: str = 'median') Tuple[float, float]
Return the geographical center of the IP address locations.
- Parameters:
ip_entities (Iterable[IpAddress]) – IpAddress entities with location information
mode (str, optional) – The averaging method to us, by default “median”. “median” and “mean” are the supported values.
- Returns:
Tuple of latitude, longitude
- Return type:
Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]
- msticpy.vis.foliummap.get_map_center(entities: Iterable[Entity], mode: str = 'modal')
Calculate median point between Entity IP locations.
- Parameters:
entities (Iterable[Entity]) – An iterable of entities containing IpAddress geolocation information. The entities can be IpAddress entities or other entities that have IpAddress properties. The entities must all be of the same type.
mode (str, optional) – The averaging method to use, by default “median”. “median” and “mean” are the supported values.
- Returns:
The Latitude and Longitude calculated
- Return type:
The function uses the first entity in the entities to determine how to process the collection. E.g. if the first entity has properties src_ip and dest_ip of type IpAddress, these are the only properties that will be processed for the remainder of the entities.
- msticpy.vis.foliummap.plot_map(data: DataFrame, ip_column: str | None = None, lat_column: str | None = None, long_column: str | None = None, layer_column: str | None = None, icon_column: str | None = None, icon_map: Callable[[str], Dict[str, Any]] | Dict[str, Any] | None = None, popup_columns: List[str] | None = None, tooltip_columns: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs) folium.Map
Plot folium map from DataFrame.
- Parameters:
data (pd.DataFrame) – The input DataFrame, must have either an IP address column or latitude and longitude columns.
ip_column (Optional[str], optional) – The name of the IP Address column, by default None
lat_column (Optional[str], optional) – The name of the location ‘latitude’ column, by default None
long_column (Optional[str], optional) – The name of the location ‘longitude’ column, by default None
layer_column (Optional[str], optional) – The column to group markers into for displaying on different map layers, by default None
icon_column (Optional[str], optional) – Optional column containing the name of the icon to use for the marker in this row, by default None
icon_map (IconMapper, optional) – Mapping dictionary or function, by default None See Notes for more details.
popup_columns (Optional[List[str]], optional) – List of columns to use for the popup text, by default None
tooltip_columns (Optional[List[str]], optional) – List of columns to use for the tooltip text, by default None
marker_cluster (bool, optional) – Use marker clustering, default is True.
default_color (str, optional) – Default color for marker icons, by default “blue”
title (str, optional) – Name of the layer (the default is ‘layer1’) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)
zoom_start (int, optional) – The zoom level of the map (the default is 7) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)
tiles ([type], optional) – Custom set of tiles or tile URL (the default is None) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)
width (str, optional) – Map display width (the default is ‘100%’) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)
height (str, optional) – Map display height (the default is ‘100%’) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)
location (list, optional) – Location to center map on
- Returns:
Folium Map object.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If neither ip_column nor lat_column and long_column are passed.
LookupError – If one of the passed columns does not exist in data
There are two ways of providing custom icon settings based on the the row of the input DataFrame.
If icon_map is a dict it should contain keys that map to the value of icon_col and values that a dicts of valid folium Icon properties (“color”, “icon_color”, “icon”, “angle”, “prefix”). The dict should include a “default” entry that will be used if the value in the DataFrame[icon_col] doesn’t match any key. For example:
icon_map = { "high": { "color": "red", "icon": "warning", }, "medium": { "color": "orange", "icon": "triangle-exclamation", "prefix": "fa", }, "default": { "color": "blue", "icon": "info-sign", }, }
If icon_map is a function it should take a single str parameter (the item key) and return a dict of icon properties. It should return a default set of values if the key does not match a known key. The icon_col value for each row will be passed to this function and the return value used to populate the Icon arguments.
For example:
FontAwesome icon (prefix “fa”) names are available at GlyphIcons icons (prefix “glyphicon”) are available at