msticpy.vis.foliummap module

Folium map class.

class msticpy.vis.foliummap.FoliumMap(title: str = 'OpenStreetMap', zoom_start: float = 2.5, tiles=None, width: str = '100%', height: str = '100%', location: list | None = None)

Bases: object

Wrapper class for Folium/Leaflet mapping.

Create an instance of the folium map.

  • title (str, optional) – Name of the main tile layer (the default is ‘OpenStreetMap’)

  • zoom_start (int, optional) – The zoom level of the map (the default is 7)

  • tiles ([type], optional) – Custom set of tiles or tile URL (the default is None)

  • width (str, optional) – Map display width (the default is ‘100%’)

  • height (str, optional) – Map display height (the default is ‘100%’)

  • location (list, optional) – Location to center map on


The map object.



add_feature_sub_groups(subgroups: Iterable[folium.plugins.FeatureGroupSubGroup])

Add FeatureGroupSubGroups and to the map.


subgroups (Iterable[FeatureGroupSubGroup]) – Iterable of FeatureGroupSubGroups

add_geo_hashes(geohashes: Iterable[str], **kwargs)

Add decoded geohashes to the map.

  • geohashes (Iterable[str]) – Iterable of geolocation hashes

  • layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.

  • kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)

add_geoloc_cluster(geo_locations: Iterable[GeoLocation], **kwargs)

Add a collection of GeoLocation objects to the map.

  • geo_locations (Iterable[GeoLocation]) – Iterable of GeoLocation entities.

  • layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.

  • kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)

add_ip_cluster(ip_entities: Iterable[IpAddress], layer: str | None = None, **kwargs)

Add a collection of IP Entities to the map.

  • ip_entities (Iterable[IpAddress]) – a iterable of IpAddress Entities

  • layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.

  • kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)

add_ips(ip_addresses: Iterable[str], **kwargs)

Add a collection of GeoLocation objects to the map.

  • ip_addresses (Iterable[str]) – Iterable of ip strings.

  • layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.

  • kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)

add_locations(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], **kwargs)

Add a collection of lat/long tuples to the map.

  • locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Iterable of location tuples.

  • layer (str, optional) – If not none, it will add the entities to a new layer.

  • kwargs (icon properties to use for displaying this cluster)

add_locations_to_feature_subgroup(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], subgroup: folium.plugins.FeatureGroupSubGroup, **kwargs)

Create markers from locations and add the FeatureGroupSubGroup.

  • locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Collection of Latitude/Longitude coordinates to be added to the FeatureGroupSubGroup

  • subgroup (FeatureGroupSubGroup) – Subgroup to add locations to, then add to the map

add_locations_to_marker_cluster(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], cluster: folium.plugins.MarkerCluster, **kwargs)

Create markers from locations and add to MarkerCluster.

  • locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Collection of Latitude/Longitude coordinates to be added to the MarkerCluster

  • cluster (MarkerCluster) – Marker cluster to add locations to, then add to the map

add_marker_clusters(clusters: Iterable[folium.plugins.MarkerCluster])

Add MarkerClusters and to the map.


clusters (Iterable[MarkerCluster]) – Iterable of MarkerClusters


Calculate and set map center based on current coordinates.

static create_feature_sub_group_of_marker_cluster(cluster: folium.plugins.MarkerCluster, name: str) folium.plugins.FeatureGroupSubGroup

Return a FeatureGroupSubGroup with name for a MarkerCluster.

  • cluster (MarkerCluster) – Folium MarkerCluster to add FeatureGroupSubGroup to

  • name (str) – Desired name of the MarkerCluster


A Folium FeatureGroupSubGroup with the provided name as part of the given MarkerCluster

Return type:


static create_marker(location: Tuple[float, float], tooltip: str | None = None, popup: str | None = None, **kwargs) folium.Marker

Create and return a Folium Marker at a given location.

  • location (Tuple[float,float]) – Latitude/Longitude coordinates for the Marker

  • tooltip (str [Optional]) – Tooltip text for the Marker

  • popup (str [Optional]) – Popup text for the Marker


A Folium Marker at the given location coordinates

Return type:


static create_marker_cluster(name: str)

Create and return a MarkerCluster with name.


name (str) – Name of the MarkerCluster


A Folium MarkerCluster with the provided name

Return type:


create_new_cluster_with_geohashes(geohashes: Iterable[str], name: str, **kwargs)

Create a MarkerCluster and add geohash locations.

  • geohashes (Iterable[str]) – Collection of geohashes to be decoded and added to the MarkerCluster

  • name (str) – Name of Marker Cluster to create, add locations to, then add to the map

create_new_cluster_with_locations(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], name: str, **kwargs)

Create a MarkerCluster with locations.

  • locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Collection of Latitude/Longitude coordinates to be added to the MarkerCluster

  • name (str) – Name of Marker Cluster to create, add locations to, then add to the map

create_new_subgroup_with_geohashes(geohashes: Iterable[str], subgroup_name: str, cluster_name: str, **kwargs)

Create a FeatureSubGroup with collection of geohash locations.

  • geohashes (Iterable[str]) – Collection of geohashes to be decoded and added to the FeatureGroupSubGroup

  • subgroup_name (str) – Name of SubGroup to create, add locations to, then add to the map

  • cluster_name (str) – Name of the Marker Cluster to create and add the SubGroup to

create_new_subgroup_with_locations(locations: Iterable[Tuple[float, float]], subgroup_name: str, cluster_name: str, **kwargs)

Create subgroup of markers from locations.

  • locations (Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]) – Collection of Latitude/Longitude coordinates to be added to the FeatureGroupSubGroup

  • subgroup_name (str) – Name of FeatureGroupSubGroup to create, add locations to, then add to the map

  • cluster_name (str) – Name of the cluster


This function creates a marker cluster and FeatureGroupSubGroup, then add the locations to the subgroup, then add the subgroup to the map.


Enable Layer Control on the map.



save_map(path: str)

Save the map to path.


path (str) – File path to save the current map

msticpy.vis.foliummap.decode_geo_hash(geohash: str) Tuple[float, float, float, float]

Decode a geohash.


geohash (str) – A string representation of a location


Tuple representation of a geohash, format of: (Latitude, Longitude, Latitude Error interval, Longitude Error Interval)

Return type:



MsticpyMissingDependencyError – If pygeohash is not installed.

msticpy.vis.foliummap.decode_geohash_collection(geohashes: Iterable[str])

Return collection of geohashes decoded into location coordinates.


geohashes (Iterable[str]) – Collection of geohashes to be decoded


Collection of location coordinates in Latitude/Longitude

Return type:

Iterable[Tuple[float, float]]

msticpy.vis.foliummap.get_center_geo_locs(loc_entities: Iterable[GeoLocation], mode: str = 'median') Tuple[float, float]

Return the geographical center of the geo locations.

  • loc_entities (Iterable[GeoLocation]) – GeoLocation entities with location information

  • mode (str, optional) – The averaging method to use, by default “median”. “median” and “mean” are the supported values.


Tuple of latitude, longitude

Return type:

Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]

msticpy.vis.foliummap.get_center_ip_entities(ip_entities: Iterable[IpAddress], mode: str = 'median') Tuple[float, float]

Return the geographical center of the IP address locations.

  • ip_entities (Iterable[IpAddress]) – IpAddress entities with location information

  • mode (str, optional) – The averaging method to us, by default “median”. “median” and “mean” are the supported values.


Tuple of latitude, longitude

Return type:

Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]

msticpy.vis.foliummap.get_map_center(entities: Iterable[Entity], mode: str = 'modal')

Calculate median point between Entity IP locations.

  • entities (Iterable[Entity]) – An iterable of entities containing IpAddress geolocation information. The entities can be IpAddress entities or other entities that have IpAddress properties. The entities must all be of the same type.

  • mode (str, optional) – The averaging method to use, by default “median”. “median” and “mean” are the supported values.


The Latitude and Longitude calculated

Return type:



The function uses the first entity in the entities to determine how to process the collection. E.g. if the first entity has properties src_ip and dest_ip of type IpAddress, these are the only properties that will be processed for the remainder of the entities.

msticpy.vis.foliummap.plot_map(data: DataFrame, ip_column: str | None = None, lat_column: str | None = None, long_column: str | None = None, layer_column: str | None = None, icon_column: str | None = None, icon_map: Callable[[str], Dict[str, Any]] | Dict[str, Any] | None = None, popup_columns: List[str] | None = None, tooltip_columns: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs) folium.Map

Plot folium map from DataFrame.

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – The input DataFrame, must have either an IP address column or latitude and longitude columns.

  • ip_column (Optional[str], optional) – The name of the IP Address column, by default None

  • lat_column (Optional[str], optional) – The name of the location ‘latitude’ column, by default None

  • long_column (Optional[str], optional) – The name of the location ‘longitude’ column, by default None

  • layer_column (Optional[str], optional) – The column to group markers into for displaying on different map layers, by default None

  • icon_column (Optional[str], optional) – Optional column containing the name of the icon to use for the marker in this row, by default None

  • icon_map (IconMapper, optional) – Mapping dictionary or function, by default None See Notes for more details.

  • popup_columns (Optional[List[str]], optional) – List of columns to use for the popup text, by default None

  • tooltip_columns (Optional[List[str]], optional) – List of columns to use for the tooltip text, by default None

  • marker_cluster (bool, optional) – Use marker clustering, default is True.

  • default_color (str, optional) – Default color for marker icons, by default “blue”

  • title (str, optional) – Name of the layer (the default is ‘layer1’) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)

  • zoom_start (int, optional) – The zoom level of the map (the default is 7) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)

  • tiles ([type], optional) – Custom set of tiles or tile URL (the default is None) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)

  • width (str, optional) – Map display width (the default is ‘100%’) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)

  • height (str, optional) – Map display height (the default is ‘100%’) (passed to FoliumMap constructor)

  • location (list, optional) – Location to center map on


Folium Map object.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If neither ip_column nor lat_column and long_column are passed.

  • LookupError – If one of the passed columns does not exist in data


There are two ways of providing custom icon settings based on the the row of the input DataFrame.

If icon_map is a dict it should contain keys that map to the value of icon_col and values that a dicts of valid folium Icon properties (“color”, “icon_color”, “icon”, “angle”, “prefix”). The dict should include a “default” entry that will be used if the value in the DataFrame[icon_col] doesn’t match any key. For example:

icon_map = {
    "high": {
        "color": "red",
        "icon": "warning",
    "medium": {
        "color": "orange",
        "icon": "triangle-exclamation",
        "prefix": "fa",
    "default": {
        "color": "blue",
        "icon": "info-sign",

If icon_map is a function it should take a single str parameter (the item key) and return a dict of icon properties. It should return a default set of values if the key does not match a known key. The icon_col value for each row will be passed to this function and the return value used to populate the Icon arguments.

For example:

FontAwesome icon (prefix “fa”) names are available at GlyphIcons icons (prefix “glyphicon”) are available at