msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register module

Pivot helper functions .

class msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register.PivotRegistration(input_type: str, entity_map: dict[str, str], func_df_param_name: str | None = None, func_out_column_name: str | None = None, func_df_col_param_name: str | None = None, func_new_name: str | None = None, src_module: str | None = None, src_class: str | None = None, src_func_name: str | None = None, can_iterate: bool = True, func_static_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None, func_input_value_arg: str | None = None, src_config_path: str | None = None, src_config_entry: str | None = None, entity_container_name: str | None = None, return_raw_output: bool = False, create_shortcut: bool = False)

Bases: object

Pivot registration for function.



The src_module to import

src_classstr, optional

class to import and instantiate that contains the function/method (not needed if the target function is a pure Python function)

src_func_name: Callable

The function to wrap.

func_new_name: str, optional

Rename the function to this, defaults to src_func_name


The input data type that the function is expecting. One of ‘dataframe’, ‘iterable’, ‘value’

can_iterate: bool, optional

True if the function supports being called multiple times (for iterable input). Default is True

entity_map: dict[str, str]

dict of entities supported (keys) and attribute to use from entity as input to the function

func_df_param_name: str

The name of the parameter that func takes the input value e.g. func(ip=my_address) => ‘ip’ == func_df_col_param_name. In the case of a DataFrame, this is usually ‘data’

func_df_col_param_name: str

The name that the target function uses to identify the column to use for input in the input DataFrame.

func_out_column_name: str, optional

The name of the column in the output DF to use as a key to join to the input. If None, use func_df_col_param_name

func_static_params: Optional[dict[str, Any]]

static parameters (kwargs) that are always passed to the target function

func_input_value_arg: Optional[str]

The name of kwarg passed to the function that contain the input value. If function supports DF input, func_df_col_param_name will be used and this is not needed.


The source path that the configuration was read from, default None.


The entry name in the configuration file, default None.


The name of the container in the entity that will hold this pivot function.


Return raw output from the wrapped function, do not try to format into a DataFrame. Default is False.


If True, create a shortcut function directly on the entity.

Method generated by attrs for class PivotRegistration.

attr_for_entity(entity: entities.Entity | str) str | None

Return the attribute to use for the specified entity.


entity (Union[entities.Entity, str]) – Entity instance or name


Attribute name to use.

Return type:


can_iterate: bool
create_shortcut: bool
entity_container_name: str | None
entity_map: dict[str, str]
func_df_col_param_name: str | None
func_df_param_name: str | None
func_input_value_arg: str | None
func_new_name: str | None
func_out_column_name: str | None
func_static_params: dict[str, Any] | None
input_type: str
return_raw_output: bool
src_class: str | None
src_config_entry: str | None
src_config_path: str | None
src_func_name: str | None
src_module: str | None
msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register.create_pivot_func(target_func: Callable[[Any], Any], pivot_reg: PivotRegistration) Callable[[...], DataFrame]

Create function wrapper for pivot function.

  • target_func (Callable) – The target function to wrap.

  • pivot_reg (PivotRegistration) – The pivot function registration object.


The original target_func wrapped in pre-processing and post-processing code.

Return type:

Callable[[Any], pd.DataFrame]

msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register.get_join_params(func_kwargs: dict[str, Any]) tuple[str | None, str | None, str | None, bool]

Get join parameters from kwargs.


func_kwargs (dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments from caller


join_type, left_on, right_on, join_ignore_case

Return type:

tuple[str, str, str, bool]

msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register.join_result(input_df: DataFrame, result_df: DataFrame, how: str, left_on: str, right_on: str, ignore_case: bool) DataFrame

Join input and result DFs, optionally ignoring case.

  • input_df (pd.DataFrame) – Input DF

  • result_df (pd.DataFrame) – Result DF

  • how (str) – Join type - “inner”, “left”, “right”, “outer”

  • left_on (str) – Column from input_df to use as join key

  • right_on (str) – Column from result_df to use as join key

  • ignore_case (bool) – If True and input_df column is a string


The merged DataFrame

Return type:
