msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register module
Pivot helper functions .
- class msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register.PivotRegistration(input_type: str, entity_map: dict[str, str], func_df_param_name: str | None = None, func_out_column_name: str | None = None, func_df_col_param_name: str | None = None, func_new_name: str | None = None, src_module: str | None = None, src_class: str | None = None, src_func_name: str | None = None, can_iterate: bool = True, func_static_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None, func_input_value_arg: str | None = None, src_config_path: str | None = None, src_config_entry: str | None = None, entity_container_name: str | None = None, return_raw_output: bool = False, create_shortcut: bool = False)
Pivot registration for function.
- src_modulestr
The src_module to import
- src_classstr, optional
class to import and instantiate that contains the function/method (not needed if the target function is a pure Python function)
- src_func_name: Callable
The function to wrap.
- func_new_name: str, optional
Rename the function to this, defaults to src_func_name
- input_typestr
The input data type that the function is expecting. One of ‘dataframe’, ‘iterable’, ‘value’
- can_iterate: bool, optional
True if the function supports being called multiple times (for iterable input). Default is True
- entity_map: dict[str, str]
dict of entities supported (keys) and attribute to use from entity as input to the function
- func_df_param_name: str
The name of the parameter that func takes the input value e.g. func(ip=my_address) => ‘ip’ == func_df_col_param_name. In the case of a DataFrame, this is usually ‘data’
- func_df_col_param_name: str
The name that the target function uses to identify the column to use for input in the input DataFrame.
- func_out_column_name: str, optional
The name of the column in the output DF to use as a key to join to the input. If None, use func_df_col_param_name
- func_static_params: Optional[dict[str, Any]]
static parameters (kwargs) that are always passed to the target function
- func_input_value_arg: Optional[str]
The name of kwarg passed to the function that contain the input value. If function supports DF input, func_df_col_param_name will be used and this is not needed.
- src_config_pathOptional[str]
The source path that the configuration was read from, default None.
- src_config_entryOptional[str]
The entry name in the configuration file, default None.
- entity_container_nameOptional[str]
The name of the container in the entity that will hold this pivot function.
- return_raw_outputbool
Return raw output from the wrapped function, do not try to format into a DataFrame. Default is False.
- create_shortcutbool
If True, create a shortcut function directly on the entity.
Method generated by attrs for class PivotRegistration.
- attr_for_entity(entity: entities.Entity | str) str | None
Return the attribute to use for the specified entity.
- Parameters:
entity (Union[entities.Entity, str]) – Entity instance or name
- Returns:
Attribute name to use.
- Return type:
- can_iterate: bool
- create_shortcut: bool
- entity_container_name: str | None
- entity_map: dict[str, str]
- func_df_col_param_name: str | None
- func_df_param_name: str | None
- func_input_value_arg: str | None
- func_new_name: str | None
- func_out_column_name: str | None
- func_static_params: dict[str, Any] | None
- input_type: str
- return_raw_output: bool
- src_class: str | None
- src_config_entry: str | None
- src_config_path: str | None
- src_func_name: str | None
- src_module: str | None
- msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register.create_pivot_func(target_func: Callable[[Any], Any], pivot_reg: PivotRegistration) Callable[[...], DataFrame]
Create function wrapper for pivot function.
- Parameters:
target_func (Callable) – The target function to wrap.
pivot_reg (PivotRegistration) – The pivot function registration object.
- Returns:
The original target_func wrapped in pre-processing and post-processing code.
- Return type:
Callable[[Any], pd.DataFrame]
- msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register.get_join_params(func_kwargs: dict[str, Any]) tuple[str | None, str | None, str | None, bool]
Get join parameters from kwargs.
- Parameters:
func_kwargs (dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments from caller
- Returns:
join_type, left_on, right_on, join_ignore_case
- Return type:
tuple[str, str, str, bool]
- msticpy.init.pivot_core.pivot_register.join_result(input_df: DataFrame, result_df: DataFrame, how: str, left_on: str, right_on: str, ignore_case: bool) DataFrame
Join input and result DFs, optionally ignoring case.
- Parameters:
input_df (pd.DataFrame) – Input DF
result_df (pd.DataFrame) – Result DF
how (str) – Join type - “inner”, “left”, “right”, “outer”
left_on (str) – Column from input_df to use as join key
right_on (str) – Column from result_df to use as join key
ignore_case (bool) – If True and input_df column is a string
- Returns:
The merged DataFrame
- Return type: