
Uses the Azure Python SDK to collect and return details related to Azure.

class bool = False, cloud: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Class for returning data on an Azure tenant.

Initialize connector for Azure Python SDK.

connect(auth_methods: List | None = None, tenant_id: str | None = None, silent: bool = False, **kwargs)

Authenticate to the Azure SDK.

  • auth_methods (List, optional) – list of preferred authentication methods to use, by default None

  • tenant_id (str, optional) – The tenant to authenticate against. If not supplied, the default tenant for the identity will be used.

  • silent (bool, optional) – Set true to prevent output during auth process, by default False

  • cloud (str, optional) – What Azure cloud to connect to. By default it will attempt to use the cloud setting from config file. If this is not set it will default to Azure Public Cloud

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the az_connect function.


CloudError – If no valid credentials are found or if subscription client can’t be created

See also


function to authenticate to Azure SDK

get_metrics(metrics: str, resource_id: str, sub_id: str, sample_time: str = 'hour', start_time: int = 30) Dict[str, DataFrame]

Return specified metrics on Azure Resource.

  • metrics (str) – A string list of metrics you wish to collect (

  • resource_id (str) – The resource ID of the resource to collet the metrics from

  • sub_id (str) – The subscription ID that the resource is part of

  • sample_time (str (Optional)) – You can select to collect the metrics every hour of minute - default is hour Accepted inputs = ‘hour’ or ‘minute’

  • start_time (int (Optional)) – The number of days prior to today to collect metrics for, default is 30


results – A Dictionary of DataFrames containing the metrics details

Return type:


get_network_details(network_id: str, sub_id: str) Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]

Return details related to an Azure network interface and associated NSG.

  • network_id (str) – The ID of the network interface to return details on

  • sub_id (str) – The subscription ID that the network interface is part of


details – A dictionary of items related to the network interface

Return type:


get_resource_details(sub_id: str, resource_id: str | None = None, resource_details: dict | None = None) dict

Return the details of a specific Azure resource.

  • resource_id (str, optional) – The ID of the resource to get details on

  • resource_details (dict, optional) –

    If ID is unknown provide the following details:

    -resource_group_name -resource_provider_namespace -resource_type -resource_name -parent_resource_path

  • sub_id (str) – The ID of the subscription to get resources from


resource_details – The details of the requested resource

Return type:


get_resources(sub_id: str, rgroup: str | None = None, get_props: bool = False) DataFrame

Return details on all resources in a subscription or Resource Group.

  • sub_id (str) – The subscription ID to get resources for

  • rgroup (str (Optional)) – The name of a Resource Group to get resources for

  • get_props (bool (Optional)) – Set to True if you want to get the full properties of every resource Warning this may be a slow process depending on the number of resources


A dataframe of resource details

Return type:


get_sentinel_workspaces(sub_id: str) Dict[str, str]

Return a list of Microsoft Sentinel workspaces in a Subscription.


sub_id (str) – The subscription ID to get a list of workspaces from. If not provided it will attempt to get sub_id from config files.


A dictionary of workspace names and ids

Return type:


get_subscription_info(sub_id: str) dict

Get information on a specific subscription.


sub_id (str) – The ID of the subscription to return details on.


Details on the selected subscription.

Return type:



MsticpyNotConnectedError – If .connect() has not been called.

get_subscriptions() DataFrame

Get details of all subscriptions within the tenant.


Details of the subscriptions present in the users tenant.

Return type:



MsticpyNotConnectedError – If .connect() has not been called

list_sentinel_workspaces(sub_id: str) Dict[str, str]

Return a list of Microsoft Sentinel workspaces in a Subscription.


sub_id (str) – The subscription ID to get a list of workspaces from. If not provided it will attempt to get sub_id from config files.


A dictionary of workspace names and ids

Return type:


class str | None = None, private_ip: str | None = None, private_ip_allocation: str | None = None, public_ip: str | None = None, public_ip_allocation: str | None = None, app_sec_group: List[Any] | None = None, subnet: str | None = None, subnet_nsg: Any | None = None, subnet_route_table: Any | None = None)

Bases: object

attr class to build network interface details dictionary.

Method generated by attrs for class InterfaceItems.

app_sec_group: List[Any] | None
interface_id: str | None
private_ip: str | None
private_ip_allocation: str | None
public_ip: str | None
public_ip_allocation: str | None
subnet: str | None
subnet_nsg: Any
subnet_route_table: Any
class str | None = None, name: str | None = None, resource_type: str | None = None, location: str | None = None, tags: Any | None = None, plan: Any | None = None, properties: Any | None = None, kind: str | None = None, managed_by: str | None = None, sku: str | None = None, identity: str | None = None, state: Any | None = None)

Bases: object

attr class to build resource details dictionary.

Method generated by attrs for class Items.

identity: str | None
kind: str | None
location: str | None
managed_by: str | None
name: str | None
plan: Any | None
properties: Any | None
resource_id: str | None
resource_type: str | None
sku: str | None
state: Any
tags: Any | None
class str | None = None, description: str | None = None, protocol: str | None = None, direction: str | None = None, src_ports: str | None = None, dst_ports: str | None = None, src_addrs: str | None = None, dst_addrs: str | None = None, action: str | None = None)

Bases: object

attr class to build NSG rule dictionary.

Method generated by attrs for class NsgItems.

action: str | None
description: str | None
direction: str | None
dst_addrs: str | None
dst_ports: str | None
protocol: str | None
rule_name: str | None
src_addrs: str | None
src_ports: str | None str) Dict

Return authorization header with current token.


token (str) – Azure auth token.


A dictionary of headers to be used in API calls.

Return type:

Dict AzCredentials, tenant_id: str | None = None, cloud: str | None = None) str

Extract token from a azure.identity object.

  • credential (AzCredentials) – Azure OAuth credentials.

  • tenant_id (str, optional) – The tenant to connect to if not the users home tenant.

  • cloud (str, optional) – The Azure cloud to connect to.


A token to be used in API calls.

Return type:
