msticpy.datamodel package



msticpy.datamodel.pivot module

Pivot functions main module.

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot.Pivot(namespace: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, providers: Optional[Iterable[Any]] = None, timespan: Optional[msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan] = None)

Bases: object

Pivot environment loader.

Instantiate a Pivot environment.

  • namespace (Dict[str, Any], optional) – To search for and use any current providers, specify namespace=globals(), by default None

  • providers (Iterable[Any], optional) – A list of query providers, TILookup or other providers to use (these will override providers of the same type read from namespace), by default None

  • timespan (Optional[TimeSpan], optional) – The default timespan used by providers that require start and end times. By default the time range is initialized to be 24 hours prior to the load time.

static add_pivot_function(func: Callable[[Any], Any], pivot_reg: Optional[msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register.PivotRegistration] = None, container: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Add a pivot function to entities.

  • func (Callable[[Any], Any]) – The function to add

  • pivot_reg (PivotRegistration, optional) – Pivot registration object, by default None

  • container (str, optional) – The name of the container into which the function should be added, by default “other”

  • kwargs – If pivot_reg is not supplied you can specify required pivot registration parameters via keyword arguments. You must specify input_type (str) and entity_map (dict of entity_name, entity_attribute pairs)

See also



Add pivot functions from provider.


prov (QueryProvider) – Query provider.

static browse()

Return PivotBrowser.

current: Optional[msticpy.datamodel.pivot.Pivot] = None
edit_query_time(timespan: Optional[msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan] = None)

Display a QueryTime widget to get the timespan.


timespan (Optional[TimeSpan], optional) – Pre-populate the timespan shown by the QueryTime editor, by default None

property end

Return current end time for queries.

get_provider(name: str) Any

Get a provider by type name.


name (str) – The name of the provider type.


An instance of the provider or None if the Pivot environment does not have one.

Return type


get_timespan() msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan

Return the timespan as a TimeSpan object.

property providers: Dict[str, Any]

Return the current set of loaded providers.


provider_name, provider_instance

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

static register_pivot_providers(pivot_reg_path: str, namespace: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, def_container: str = 'custom', force_container: bool = False)

Register pivot functions from configuration file.

  • pivot_reg_path (str) – Path to config yaml file

  • namespace (Dict[str, Any], optional) – Namespace to search for existing instances of classes, by default None

  • def_container (str, optional) – Container name to use for entity pivot functions, by default “other”

  • force_container (bool, optional) – Force container value to be used even if entity definitions have specific setting for a container name, by default False


ValueError – An entity specified in the config file is not recognized.

reload_pivots(namespace: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, providers: Optional[Iterable[Any]] = None, clear_existing: bool = True)

Load or reload Pivot functions from environment and/or providers list.

  • namespace (Dict[str, Any], optional) – To search for and use any current providers, specify namespace=globals(), by default None

  • providers (Iterable[Any], optional) – A list of query providers, TILookup or other providers to use (these will override providers of the same type read from namespace), by default None

  • clear_existing (bool) – Reloads pivot functions without clearing existing pivot assignments. Any pivot functions with conflicting names will be overwritten by the reload operation. The default is True.

static remove_pivot_funcs(entity: str)

Remove pivot functions from one or all entities.


entity (str) – entity class name or “all” to remove all pivot functions.


ValueError – If entity is not a recognized entity class.

set_timespan(value: Optional[Any] = None, **kwargs)

Set the pivot timespan.

  • value (Optional[Any], optional) – Timespan object or something convertible to a TimeSpan, by default None

  • kwargs – Key/value arguments passed to Timespan constructor.

property start

Return current start time for queries.

property timespan: msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan

Return the current timespan.


The current timespan

Return type


msticpy.datamodel.pivot_browser module

Pivot browser widget.

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_browser.PivotBrowser

Bases: object

Pivot enitity browser class.

Create an instance of the Pivot browser.


Display the widget.

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries module

Pivot query functions class.

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.ParamAttrs(type, query, family, required)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of ParamAttrs(type, query, family, required)

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

property family

Alias for field number 2

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

property query

Alias for field number 1

property required

Alias for field number 3

property type

Alias for field number 0

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.PivQuerySettings(short_name, direct_func_entities, assigned_entities)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of PivQuerySettings(short_name, direct_func_entities, assigned_entities)

property assigned_entities

Alias for field number 2

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

property direct_func_entities

Alias for field number 1

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

property short_name

Alias for field number 0

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.PivotQueryFunctions(query_provider:, ignore_reqd: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Bases: object

Class to retrieve the queries and params from a provider.

Instantiate PivotQueryFunctions class.

  • query_provider ([type]) – The query provider to load

  • ignore_reqd (List[str], optional) – List of parameters to ignore when building the required parameters list (e.g. [‘start’, ‘end’]), by default None

current = None
get_param_attrs(param_name: str) List[msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.ParamAttrs]

Get the attributes for a parameter name.


param_name (str) – Parameter name


List of ParamAttrs named tuples: (type, query, family, required)

Return type



Since parameters may be defined for multiple queries, the set of parameter attributes will be returned for each query.

get_params(query_func_name: str) Optional[msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.QueryParams]

Get the parameters for a query function.


query_func_name (str) – Query name - the name must be fully-qualified (e.g. ‘WindowsSecurity.list_processes’)


QueryParams named tuple (all, required, full_required, param_attrs, table)

Return type


get_queries_and_types_for_param(param: str) Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str, Callable[[Any], Any]]]

Get queries and parameter data types for param.


param (str) – The parameter name.


Iterable of tuples listing: query_name, param_type, query_func

Return type

Iterable[Tuple[str, str, Callable[[Any], Any]]]

get_queries_for_param(param: str) Iterable[Tuple[str, str, Callable[[Any], Any]]]

Get the list of queries for a parameter.


param (str) – Parameter name


Iterable of tuples listing: query_name, query_func

Return type

Iterable[Tuple[str, str, Callable[[Any], Any]]]

get_query_pivot_settings(family: str, query: str) msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.PivQuerySettings

Get Pivot settings metadata for a query.

  • family (str) – Data family

  • query (str) – Query name


Named tuple:

  • short_name - short name for the query

  • direct_func_entities - the entities to add a top level function to

  • assigned_entities - entities to assign the query to (if parameter mapping is not applicable).

Return type


get_query_settings(family: str, query: str)

Get the QuerySource for the named family and query.

  • family (str) – Data family name

  • query (str) – Query name


Query settings object

Return type



KeyError – If family.`query` could not be found.

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.QueryParams(all, required, full_required, param_attrs, table)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of QueryParams(all, required, full_required, param_attrs, table)

property all

Alias for field number 0

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

property full_required

Alias for field number 2

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

property param_attrs

Alias for field number 3

property required

Alias for field number 1

property table

Alias for field number 4

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.add_data_queries_to_entities(provider:, get_timespan: Callable[[], msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan])

Add data queries from provider to entities.

  • provider (QueryProvider) – Query provider

  • get_timespan (Callable[[], TimeSpan]) – Callback to get time span

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.add_queries_to_entities(prov_qry_funcs: msticpy.datamodel.pivot_data_queries.PivotQueryFunctions, container: str, get_timespan: Callable[[], msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan])

Add data queries to entities.

  • prov_qry_funcs (PivotQueryFunctions) – Collection of wrapped query functions

  • container (str) – The name of the container to add query functions to

  • get_timespan (Callable[[], TimeSpan]) – Function to get the current timespan.

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_magic_core module

Txt2df core code.

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_magic_core.run_txt2df(line, cell, local_ns) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Convert cell text to pandas DataFrame.

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pd_accessor module

Pandas DataFrame accessor for Pivot functions.

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pd_accessor.PivotAccessor(pandas_obj)

Bases: object

Pandas api extension for Pivot functions.

Instantiate pivot extension class.

display(title: Optional[str] = None, cols: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, head: Optional[int] = None) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Display the DataFrame in the middle of a pipeline.

  • title (str, optional) – Title to display for the DataFrame, by default None

  • cols (Iterable[str], optional) – List of columns to display, by default None

  • query (str, optional) – Query to filter the displayed data, by default None This should be a string executable by the DataFrame.query function

  • head (int, optional) – Limit the displayed output to head rows, by default None


Passed through input DataFrame.

Return type


filter(expr: Union[str, numbers.Number], match_case: bool = False, numeric_col: bool = False) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Filter all columns of DataFrame, return rows with any matches.

  • expr (Union[str, Number]) – String or regular expression to match or a (partial) number. If expr is a string it is matched against any string or object columns using pandas str.contains(..regex=True) If expr is a number or if numeric_col is True, expr is converted to a string and matched as a substring of any numeric columns.

  • match_case (bool, optional) – The match is not case-sensitive by default. Set to True to force case-sensitive matches.

  • numeric_col (bool, optional) – If expr is a numeric string or number this will force a match against only numeric columns, by default False


The filtered dataframe

Return type



TypeError – If expr is neither a string or number.

filter_cols(cols: Union[str, Iterable[str]], match_case: bool = False, sort_cols: bool = False) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Filter output columns matching names in cols expression(s).

  • cols (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – Either a string or a list of strings with filter expressions. These can be exact matches for column names, wildcard patterns (“*” matches multiple chars and “?” matches a single char), or regular expressions.

  • match_case (bool, optional) – Use case-sensitive matching, by default False

  • sort_cols (bool, optional) – Alphabetically sort column names, by default False


The input DataFrame with only columns that match the filtering expressions.

Return type


list_to_rows(cols: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Expand a list column to individual rows.


cols (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – The columns to be expanded.


The expanded DataFrame

Return type


parse_json(cols: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Convert JSON string columns to Python types.


cols (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – Column or interable of columns to process


Processed dataframe

Return type


run(func: Callable[[...], pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], **kwargs) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Run a pivot function on the current DataFrame.

  • func (Callable[..., pd.DataFrame]) – Pivot function to run

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to func. A column specification (e.g. column=”src_col_name”) is usually the minimum needed. For data queries the column keyword must be the name of the the query parameter (e.g. host_name = “src_col_name”)


The output DataFrame from the function.

Return type



You can pass the join keyword argument to most pivot functions. Values for join are “inner”, “left”, “right” or “outer”.

sort(cols: Union[str, Iterable[str], Dict[str, str]], ascending: Optional[bool] = None) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Sort output by column expression.

  • cols (Union[str, Iterable[str], Dict[str, str]]) – If this is a string, then this should be a column name expression. A column name expression is either a column name, a case-insenstive column name or a regular expression to match one or more column names. Each column name expression can be of the format col_name_expr:desc to sort descending (col_name_expr:asc is the default). The col_name can also be a regular expression or partial column name. If this is a list, then each element should be a column name expression with an optional ‘:asc’ or ‘:desc’ suffix. If this is a dict, then the keys should be column name expressions and the values bools indication ‘ascending’ (True) or ‘descending’ (False) sort.

  • ascending ([type], optional) – Overrides any ordering specified for individual columns and sorts ‘ascending’ if True or ‘descending’ if False. If not supplied and no column-specific ordering is supplied it sorts ascending.


The sorted DataFrame

Return type



ValueError – One or more column expressions matched no column name in the input.

tee(var_name: str, clobber: bool = False) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Save current dataframe to var_name in the IPython user namespace.

  • var_name (str) – The name of the DF variable to create.

  • clobber (bool, optional) – Whether to overwrite an existing variable of the same name, by default False


Passed through input DataFrame.

Return type



This function only works in an IPython/Jupyter notebook environment. It will attempt to create a variable in the user local namespace that references the current state of the DataFrame in the pipeline.

By default it will not overwrite an existing variable of the same name (specify clobber=True to overwrite)

tee_exec(df_func: str, *args, **kwargs) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Run a dataframe method on the dataframe without changing it.

  • df_func (str) – The name of the function to execute. Accessor methods must be of the form “accessor.method”.

  • args (tuple) – Positional arguments to be passed to the function

  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to the function.


Passed through input DataFrame.

Return type



This function runs the DataFrame method or accessor function. It does not alter the DataFrame (unless the function does any kind of in-place modification). The function is run and the original input DataFrame is returned.

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline module

Pivot pipeline class.

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.Pipeline(name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, steps: Optional[Iterable[msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.PipelineStep]] = None)

Bases: object

Pivot pipeline.

Create Pipeline instance.

  • name (str) – The pipeline name.

  • description (Optional[str]) – The pipeline description, by default None.

  • steps (Optional[Iterable[PipelineStep]]) – Pipeline steps, by default None.

classmethod from_yaml(yml_str: str) Iterable[msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.Pipeline]

Parse pipelines from yaml string.


yml_str (str) – Yaml dict of pipelines.


Pipeline – Iterable of pipeline instances

classmethod parse_pipeline(pipeline: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.Pipeline

Parse single pipeline from dictionary.


pipeline (Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) – Single pipeline as a dictionary: {name: {pipeline_dict…}}.


The pivot pipeline.

Return type



ValueError – The dictionary could not be parsed as a pipeline.

static parse_pipelines(pipelines: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) Iterable[msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.Pipeline]

Parse dict of pipelines.


pipelines (Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) – Dict of pipelines.


Pipeline – Iterable of pipeline instances

print_pipeline(df_name: str = 'input_df', comments: bool = True) str

Return the pipeline as text that can be executed in Python.

  • df_name (str, optional) – Name of the input dataframe to be used in the returned code, by default “input_df”

  • comments (bool, optional) – If True show step comments, by default True


The executable pipeline text.

Return type


run(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, verbose: bool = True, debug: bool = False) Optional[Any]

Run the pipeline on the supplied DataFrame.

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – Input DataFrame for pipeline

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, report progress, by default True

  • debug (bool, optional) – If True, report more detailed progress, by default False


The output of the last stage of the pipeline

Return type


to_yaml() str

Return yaml representation of pipeline.


Pipeline as yaml.

Return type


class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.PipelineExecStep(accessor, pos_params, params, text, comment)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of PipelineExecStep(accessor, pos_params, params, text, comment)

property accessor

Alias for field number 0

property comment

Alias for field number 4

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

property params

Alias for field number 2

property pos_params

Alias for field number 1

property text

Alias for field number 3

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.PipelineStep(name: str, step_type: str, function: Optional[str] = None, entity: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, pos_params: List[str] = NOTHING, params: Dict[str, Any] = NOTHING)

Bases: object

Pivot pipeline step class.

Method generated by attrs for class PipelineStep.

comment: Optional[str]
entity: Optional[str]
function: Optional[str]
get_exec_step() msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.PipelineExecStep

Return the executable step details.


Named tuple with the following fields accessor - the name of the pandas DataFrame accessor function params - parameters to be passed to the function text - the text representation of the accessor + params comment - optional comment that can be used by the pipeline builder to add Python comments to output.

Return type


name: str
params: Dict[str, Any]
pos_params: List[str]
step_type: str

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register module

Pivot helper functions .

class msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register.PivotRegistration(input_type: str, entity_map: Dict[str, str], func_df_param_name: Optional[str] = None, func_out_column_name: Optional[str] = None, func_df_col_param_name: Optional[str] = None, func_new_name: Optional[str] = None, src_module: Optional[str] = None, src_class: Optional[str] = None, src_func_name: Optional[str] = None, can_iterate: bool = True, func_static_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, func_input_value_arg: Optional[str] = None, src_config_path: Optional[str] = None, src_config_entry: Optional[str] = None, entity_container_name: Optional[str] = None, return_raw_output: bool = False, create_shortcut: bool = False)

Bases: object

Pivot registration for function.



The src_module to import

src_classstr, optional

class to import and instantiate that contains the function/method (not needed if the target function is a pure Python function)

src_func_name: Callable

The function to wrap.

func_new_name: str, optional

Rename the function to this, defaults to src_func_name


The input data type that the function is expecting. One of ‘dataframe’, ‘iterable’, ‘value’

can_iterate: bool, optional

True if the function supports being called multiple times (for iterable input). Default is True

entity_map: Dict[str, str]

dict of entities supported (keys) and attribute to use from entity as input to the function

func_df_param_name: str

The name of the parameter that func takes the input value e.g. func(ip=my_address) => ‘ip’ == func_df_col_param_name. In the case of a DataFrame, this is usually ‘data’

func_df_col_param_name: str

The name that the target function uses to identify the column to use for input in the input DataFrame.

func_out_column_name: str, optional

The name of the column in the output DF to use as a key to join to the input. If None, use func_df_col_param_name

func_static_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

static parameters (kwargs) that are always passed to the target function

func_input_value_arg: Optional[str]

The name of kwarg passed to the function that contain the input value. If function supports DF input, func_df_col_param_name will be used and this is not needed.


The source path that the configuration was read from, default None.


The entry name in the configuration file, default None.


The name of the container in the entity that will hold this pivot function.


Return raw output from the wrapped function, do not try to format into a DataFrame. Default is False.


If True, create a shortcut function directly on the entity.

Method generated by attrs for class PivotRegistration.

attr_for_entity(entity: Union[msticpy.datamodel.entities.entity.Entity, str]) Optional[str]

Return the attribute to use for the specified entity.


entity (Union[entities.Entity, str]) – Entity instance or name


Attribute name to use.

Return type


can_iterate: bool
create_shortcut: bool
entity_container_name: Optional[str]
entity_map: Dict[str, str]
func_df_col_param_name: Optional[str]
func_df_param_name: Optional[str]
func_input_value_arg: Optional[str]
func_new_name: Optional[str]
func_out_column_name: Optional[str]
func_static_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
input_type: str
return_raw_output: bool
src_class: Optional[str]
src_config_entry: Optional[str]
src_config_path: Optional[str]
src_func_name: Optional[str]
src_module: Optional[str]
msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register.create_pivot_func(target_func: Callable[[Any], Any], pivot_reg: msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register.PivotRegistration) Callable[[...], pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Create function wrapper for pivot function.

  • target_func (Callable) – The target function to wrap.

  • pivot_reg (PivotRegistration) – The pivot function registration object.


The original target_func wrapped in pre-processing and post-processing code.

Return type

Callable[[Any], pd.DataFrame]

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register.get_join_params(func_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str], bool]

Get join parameters from kwargs.


func_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Keyword arguments from caller


join_type, left_on, right_on, join_ignore_case

Return type

Tuple[str, str, str, bool]

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register.join_result(input_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, result_df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, how: str, left_on: str, right_on: str, ignore_case: bool) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Join input and result DFs, optionally ignoring case.

  • input_df (pd.DataFrame) – Input DF

  • result_df (pd.DataFrame) – Result DF

  • how (str) – Join type - “inner”, “left”, “right”, “outer”

  • left_on (str) – Column from input_df to use as join key

  • right_on (str) – Column from result_df to use as join key

  • ignore_case (bool) – If True and input_df column is a string


The merged DataFrame

Return type


msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register_reader module

Reads pivot registration config files.

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register_reader.add_unbound_pivot_function(func: Callable[[Any], Any], pivot_reg: Optional[msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register.PivotRegistration] = None, container: str = 'other', **kwargs)

Add a pivot function to entities.

  • func (Callable[[Any], Any]) – The function to add

  • pivot_reg (PivotRegistration, optional) – Pivot registration object, by default None

  • container (str, optional) – The name of the container into which the function should be added, by default “other”

  • kwargs – If pivot_reg is not supplied you can specify required pivot registration parameters via keyword arguments. You must specify input_type (str) and entity_map (dict of entity_name, entity_attribute pairs)

See also


msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register_reader.register_pivots(file_path: str, namespace: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, container: str = 'other', force_container: bool = False, **kwargs)

Register pivot functions from configuration file.

  • file_path (str) – Path to config yaml file

  • namespace (Dict[str, Any], optional) – Namespace to search for existing instances of classes, by default None

  • container (str, optional) – Container name to use for entity pivot functions, by default “other”

  • force_container (bool, optional) – Force container value to be used even if entity definitions have specific setting for a container name, by default False


ValueError – An entity specified in the config file is not recognized.

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_ti_provider module

Pivot TI Provider helper functions.

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_ti_provider.add_ioc_queries_to_entities(ti_lookup: msticpy.sectools.tilookup.TILookup, container: str = 'ti', **kwargs)

Add TI functions to entities.

  • ti_lookup (TILookup) – TILookup instance.

  • container (str) – The name of the container to add query functions to

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_ti_provider.create_ti_pivot_funcs(ti_lookup: msticpy.sectools.tilookup.TILookup)

Create the TI Pivot functions.

msticpy.datamodel.pivot_ti_provider.register_ti_pivot_providers(ti_lookup: msticpy.sectools.tilookup.TILookup, pivot: Pivot)

Register pivot functions from TI providers.

Module contents

Package file for datamodel subpackage.