Time Series Analysis and Anomalies Visualization

This notebook demonstrates the time series analysis and anomalies visualization built using the Bokeh library as well as using built-in native KQL operators.

Time Series analysis generally involves below steps
  • Generating TimeSeries Data

  • Use Time Series Analysis functions to discover anomalies

  • Visualize Time Series anomalies

Read more about time series analysis in detail from reference microsoft TechCommunity blog posts

Reference Blog Posts:

# Imports
import sys
import warnings

from msticpy.common.utility import check_py_version


from IPython import get_ipython
from IPython.display import display, HTML, Markdown
import ipywidgets as widgets

import pandas as pd

#setting pandas display options for dataframe
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 100)
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 50)
pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 100)

# msticpy imports
from msticpy.data import QueryProvider
from msticpy.common.wsconfig import WorkspaceConfig
from msticpy.vis.timeseries import display_timeseries_anomalies

    "layout": widgets.Layout(width="95%"),
    "style": {"description_width": "initial"},

#Adjusting width of the screen
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:80% !important; }</style>"))

ws_config = WorkspaceConfig()
# Authentication
qry_prov = QueryProvider(data_environment="LogAnalytics")

Generating Time Series Data

Time Series is a series of data points indexed (or listed or graphed) in time order. The data points are often discrete numeric points such as frequency of counts or occurrences against a timestamp column of the dataset

Using LogAnalytics Query Provider

msticpy has a QueryProvider through which you can connect to LogAnalytics Data environment. via QueryProvider(data_environment="LogAnalytics") Once you connect to data environment (qry_prov.connect()), you can list the available queries (qry_prov.list_queries()) for the data environment which in this case is LogAnalytics.

Displaying available timeseries queries

For this notebook, we are interested in time series queries only, so we will filter and display only those.

queries = qry_prov.list_queries()
for query in queries:
    if "timeseries" in query:

Get TimeSeries Data from LogAnalytics Table

You can get more details about the individual query by executing qry_prov.MultiDataSource.get_timeseries_data('?') which will display Query, data source, parameters and parameterized raw KQL query

Query:  get_timeseries_data
Data source:  LogAnalytics
Retrieves TimeSeriesData prepared to use with built-in KQL time series functions

add_query_items: str (optional)
    Additional query clauses
aggregatecolumn: str (optional)
    field to agregate from source dataset
    (default value is: Total)
aggregatefunction: str (optional)
    Aggregation functions to use - count(), sum(), avg() etc
    (default value is: count())
end: datetime
    Query end time
groupbycolumn: str (optional)
    Group by field to aggregate results
    (default value is: Type)
scorethreshold: str (optional)
    Score threshold for alerting
    (default value is: 3)
start: datetime
    Query start time
table: str
    Table name
timeframe: str (optional)
    Aggregation TimeFrame
    (default value is: 1h)
timestampcolumn: str (optional)
    Timestamp field to use from source dataset
    (default value is: TimeGenerated)
where_clause: str (optional)
    Optional additional filter clauses
{table} {where_clause} | project {timestampcolumn},{aggregatecolumn},{groupbycolumn} | where {timestampcolumn} >= datetime({start}) | where {timestampcolumn} <= datetime({end}) | make-series {aggregatecolumn}={aggregatefunction} on {timestampcolumn} from datetime({start}) to datetime({end}) step {timeframe} by {groupbycolumn} {add_query_items}
# Specify start and end timestamps
start='2020-02-09 00:00:00.000000'
end='2020-03-10 00:00:00.000000'

# Execute the query by passing required and optional parameters
time_series_data = qry_prov.MultiDataSource.get_timeseries_data(
    where_clause='|where DeviceVendor=="Palo Alto Networks"',
    add_query_items='|mv-expand TimeGenerated to typeof(datetime), SentBytes to typeof(long)',
#display the output
DeviceVendor SentBytes TimeGenerated
0 Palo Alto Networks [2169225531, 2157438780, 2190010184, 2312862664, 2173326723, 2205690775, 2134192633, 2289092642,... [2020-02-09T00:00:00.0000000Z, 2020-02-09T01:00:00.0000000Z, 2020-02-09T02:00:00.0000000Z, 2020-...

Time Series Analysis and discovering Anomalies

By analyzing time series data over an extended period, we can identify time-based patterns (e.g. seasonality, trend etc.) in the data and extract meaningful statistics which can help in flagging outliers. A particular example in a security context is user logon patterns over a period of time exhibiting different behavior after hours and on weekends: computing deviations from these changing patterns is rather difficult in traditional atomic detections with static thresholds. KQL built-in functions can automatically identify such seasonality and trend from the input data and take it into consideration when flagging anomalies.

Using Built-in KQL to generate TimeSeries decomposition

In this case, we will use built-in KQL function series_decompose() to decompose time series to generate additional data points such as baseline, seasonal , trend etc.

KQL Reference Documentation: - series_decompose

You can use available query qry_prov.MultiDataSource.plot_timeseries_datawithbaseline() to get the similar details

Query:  plot_timeseries_datawithbaseline
Data source:  LogAnalytics
Plot timeseries data using built-in KQL time series decomposition using built-in KQL render method

aggregatecolumn: str (optional)
    field to agregate from source dataset
    (default value is: Total)
aggregatefunction: str (optional)
    Aggregation functions to use - count(), sum(), avg() etc
    (default value is: count())
end: datetime
    Query end time
groupbycolumn: str (optional)
    Group by field to aggregate results
    (default value is: Type)
scorethreshold: str (optional)
    Score threshold for alerting
    (default value is: 3)
start: datetime
    Query start time
table: str
    Table name
timeframe: str (optional)
    Aggregation TimeFrame
    (default value is: 1h)
timestampcolumn: str (optional)
    Timestamp field to use from source dataset
    (default value is: TimeGenerated)
where_clause: str (optional)
    Optional additional filter clauses
 {table} {where_clause} | project {timestampcolumn},{aggregatecolumn},{groupbycolumn}
 | where {timestampcolumn} >= datetime({start}) | where {timestampcolumn} <= datetime({end})
 | make-series {aggregatecolumn}={aggregatefunction} on {timestampcolumn}
   from datetime({start}) to datetime({end}) step {timeframe} by {groupbycolumn}
 | extend (baseline,seasonal,trend,residual) = series_decompose({aggregatecolumn})
 | mv-expand {aggregatecolumn} to typeof(double), {timestampcolumn} to typeof(datetime),
   baseline to typeof(long), seasonal to typeof(long), trend to typeof(long), residual to typeof(long)
 | project {timestampcolumn}, {aggregatecolumn}, baseline
 | render timechart with (title="Time Series Decomposition - Baseline vs Observed TimeChart")
time_series_baseline = qry_prov.MultiDataSource.plot_timeseries_datawithbaseline(
    where_clause='|where DeviceVendor=="Palo Alto Networks"'
TimeGenerated SentBytes baseline
0 2020-02-09 00:00:00 2.169226e+09 2205982717
1 2020-02-09 01:00:00 2.157439e+09 2205982717
2 2020-02-09 02:00:00 2.190010e+09 2205982717
3 2020-02-09 03:00:00 2.312863e+09 2205982717
4 2020-02-09 04:00:00 2.173327e+09 2205982717

Using MSTICPY - Seasonal-Trend decomposition using LOESS (STL)

In this case, we will use msticpy function timeseries_anomalies_stl which leverages STL method from statsmodels API to decompose a time series into three components: trend, seasonal and residual. STL uses LOESS (locally estimated scatterplot smoothing) to extract smooths estimates of the three components. The key inputs into STL are:

  • season - The length of the seasonal smoother. Must be odd.

  • trend - The length of the trend smoother, usually around 150% of season. Must be odd and larger than season.

  • low_pass - The length of the low-pass estimation window, usually the smallest odd number larger than the periodicity of the data.

More info at the statsmodel STL documentation

Documentation of timeseries_anomalies_stl function

timeseries_anomalies_stl(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, **kwargs) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
    Discover anomalies in Timeseries data using
    STL (Seasonal-Trend Decomposition using LOESS) method using statsmodels package.

    data: pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame as a time series data set retrieved from data connector or external data source.
        Dataframe must have 2 columns with time column set as index and other numeric value.

    Other Parameters
    seasonal: int, optional
        Seasonality period of the input data required for STL.
        Must be an odd integer, and should normally be >= 7 (default).
    period: int, optional
        Periodicity of the the input data. by default 24 (Hourly).
    score_threshold: float, optional
        standard deviation threshold value calculated using Z-score used to flag anomalies,
        by default 3

        Returns a dataframe with additional columns by decomposing time series data
        into residual, trend, seasonal, weights, baseline, score and anomalies.
        The anomalies column will have 0, 1, -1 values based on score_threshold set.
# Read Time series data with date as index and other column
stldemo = pd.read_csv(
    "data/TimeSeriesDemo.csv", index_col=["TimeGenerated"], usecols=["TimeGenerated","TotalBytesSent"])
2019-05-01T06:00:00Z 873713587
2019-05-01T07:00:00Z 882187669
2019-05-01T08:00:00Z 852506841
2019-05-01T09:00:00Z 898793650
2019-05-01T10:00:00Z 891598085

Discover anomalies using timeseries_anomalies_stl function

We will run msticpy function timeseries_anomalies_stl on the input data to discover anomalies.

output = timeseries_anomalies_stl(stldemo)
TimeGenerated TotalBytesSent residual trend seasonal weights baseline score anomalies
0 2019-05-01T06:00:00Z 873713587 -7258970 786685528 94287029 1 880972557 -0.097114 0
1 2019-05-01T07:00:00Z 882187669 2291183 789268398 90628087 1 879896485 0.029661 0
2 2019-05-01T08:00:00Z 852506841 -2875384 791851068 63531157 1 855382225 -0.038923 0
3 2019-05-01T09:00:00Z 898793650 17934415 794432848 86426386 1 880859234 0.237320 0
4 2019-05-01T10:00:00Z 891598085 8677706 797012590 85907788 1 882920378 0.114440 0

Displaying Anomalies using STL

We will filter only the anomalies (with value 1 from anomalies column) of the output dataframe retrieved after running the msticpy function timeseries_anomalies_stl

TimeGenerated TotalBytesSent residual trend seasonal weights baseline score anomalies
299 2019-05-13T17:00:00Z 916767394 288355070 523626111 104786212 1 628412323 3.827062 1
399 2019-05-17T21:00:00Z 1555286702 296390627 1132354860 126541214 1 1258896074 3.933731 1
599 2019-05-26T05:00:00Z 1768911488 347810809 1300005332 121095345 1 1421100678 4.616317 1

Read From External Sources

If you have time series data in other locations, you can read it via pandas or respective data store API where data is stored. The pandas I/O API is a set of top level reader functions accessed like pandas.read_csv() that generally return a pandas object.

Read More at Pandas Documentation: - I/O Tools (Text ,CSV,HDF5..)

Example of using Pandas read_csv to read local csv file containing TimeSeries demo dataset. Additional columns in the csv such as baseline, score and anoamlies are generated using built-in KQL Time series functions such as series_decompose_anomalies().

timeseriesdemo = pd.read_csv('TimeSeriesDemo.csv',
TimeGenerated TotalBytesSent baseline score anomalies
0 2019-05-01 06:00:00 873713587 782728212 0.224776 0
1 2019-05-01 07:00:00 882187669 838492449 0.000000 0
2 2019-05-01 08:00:00 852506841 816772273 0.000000 0
3 2019-05-01 09:00:00 898793650 878871426 0.000000 0
4 2019-05-01 10:00:00 891598085 862639955 0.000000 0

Displaying Time Series anomaly alerts

You can also use series_decompose_anomalies() which will run Anomaly Detection based on series decomposition. This takes an expression containing a series (dynamic numerical array) as input and extract anomalous points with scores.

KQL Reference Documentation: - series_decompose_anomalies

You can use available query qry_prov.MultiDataSource.get_timeseries_alerts() to get the similar details

Query:  get_timeseries_alerts
Data source:  LogAnalytics
Time Series anomaly alerts generated using built-in KQL time series functions

aggregatecolumn: str (optional)
    field to agregate from source dataset
    (default value is: Total)
aggregatefunction: str (optional)
    Aggregation functions to use - count(), sum(), avg() etc
    (default value is: count())
end: datetime
    Query end time
groupbycolumn: str (optional)
    Group by field to aggregate results
    (default value is: Type)
scorethreshold: str (optional)
    Score threshold for alerting
    (default value is: 3)
start: datetime
    Query start time
table: str
    Table name
timeframe: str (optional)
    Aggregation TimeFrame
    (default value is: 1h)
timestampcolumn: str (optional)
    Timestamp field to use from source dataset
    (default value is: TimeGenerated)
where_clause: str (optional)
    Optional additional filter clauses
 {table} {where_clause} | project {timestampcolumn},{aggregatecolumn},{groupbycolumn}
 | where {timestampcolumn} >= datetime({start})
 | where {timestampcolumn} <= datetime({end})
 | make-series {aggregatecolumn}={aggregatefunction} on {timestampcolumn} from datetime({start}) to datetime({end})
   step {timeframe} by {groupbycolumn}
 | extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies({aggregatecolumn}, {scorethreshold},-1,"linefit")
 | mv-expand {aggregatecolumn} to typeof(double), {timestampcolumn} to typeof(datetime),
   anomalies to typeof(double), score to typeof(double), baseline to typeof(long)
 | where anomalies > 0
 | extend score = round(score,2)
time_series_alerts = qry_prov.MultiDataSource.get_timeseries_alerts(
    where_clause='|where DeviceVendor=="Palo Alto Networks"'
DeviceVendor SentBytes TimeGenerated anomalies score baseline
0 Palo Alto Networks 2.318680e+09 2020-03-09 23:00:00 1.0 1.52 2204764145

Displaying Anomalies Separately

We will filter only the anomalies shown in the above plot and display below along with associated aggregated hourly time window. You can later query for the time windows scope for additional alerts triggered or any other suspicious activity from other data sources.

timeseriesdemo[timeseriesdemo['anomalies'] == 1]
TimeGenerated TotalBytesSent baseline score anomalies
299 2019-05-13 17:00:00 916767394 662107538 3.247957 1
399 2019-05-17 21:00:00 1555286702 1212399509 4.877577 1
599 2019-05-26 05:00:00 1768911488 1391114419 5.522387 1

Time Series Anomalies Visualization

Time series anomalies once discovered, you can visualize with line chart type to display outliers. Below we will see 2 types to visualize using msticpy function display_timeseries_anomalies() via Bokeh library as well as using built-in KQL render.

Using Bokeh Visualization Library

Documentation for display_timeseries_anomalies

    data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
    y: str = 'Total',
    time_column: str = 'TimeGenerated',
    anomalies_column: str = 'anomalies',
    source_columns: list = None,
    period: int = 30,
) -> <function figure at 0x7f0de9ae2598>
 Display time series anomalies visualization.

 data : pd.DataFrame
     DataFrame as a time series data set retrieved from KQL time series functions
     dataframe will have columns as TimeGenerated, y, baseline, score, anomalies
 y : str, optional
     Name of column holding numeric values to plot against time series to determine anomalies
     (the default is 'Total')
 time_column : str, optional
     Name of the timestamp column
     (the default is 'TimeGenerated')
 anomalies_column : str, optional
     Name of the column holding binary status(1/0) for anomaly/benign
     (the default is 'anomalies')
 source_columns : list, optional
     List of default source columns to use in tooltips
     (the default is None)
 period : int, optional
     Period of the dataset for hourly-no of days, for daily-no of weeks.
     This is used to correctly calculate the plot height.
     (the default is 30)

 Other Parameters
 ref_time : datetime, optional
     Input reference line to display (the default is None)
 title : str, optional
     Title to display (the default is None)
 legend: str, optional
     Where to position the legend
     None, left, right or inline (default is None)
 yaxis : bool, optional
     Whether to show the yaxis and labels
 range_tool : bool, optional
     Show the the range slider tool (default is True)
 height : int, optional
     The height of the plot figure
     (the default is auto-calculated height)
 width : int, optional
     The width of the plot figure (the default is 900)
 xgrid : bool, optional
     Whether to show the xaxis grid (default is True)
 ygrid : bool, optional
     Whether to show the yaxis grid (default is False)
 color : list, optional
     List of colors to use in 3 plots as specified in order
     3 plots- line(observed), circle(baseline), circle_x/user specified(anomalies).
     (the default is ["navy", "green", "firebrick"])

     The bokeh plot figure.
display_timeseries_anomalies(data=timeseriesdemo, y= 'TotalBytesSent')
Loading BokehJS ...

Exporting Plots as PNGs

To use bokeh.io image export functions you need selenium, phantomjs and pillow installed:

conda install -c bokeh selenium phantomjs pillow


pip install selenium pillow npm install -g phantomjs-prebuilt

For phantomjs see https://phantomjs.org/download.html.

Once the prerequisites are installed you can create a plot and save the return value to a variable. Then export the plot using export_png function.

from bokeh.io import export_png
from IPython.display import Image

# Create a plot
timeseries_anomaly_plot = display_timeseries_anomalies(data=timeseriesdemo, y= 'TotalBytesSent')

# Export
file_name = "plot.png"
export_png(timeseries_anomaly_plot, filename=file_name)

# Read it and show it
display(Markdown(f"## Here is our saved plot: {file_name}"))
Loading BokehJS ...

Here is our saved plot: plot.png


Using Built-in KQL render operator

Render operator instructs the user agent to render the results of the query in a particular way. In this case, we are using timechart which will display linegraph.

KQL Reference Documentation: - render

timechartquery = """
let TimeSeriesData = PaloAltoTimeSeriesDemo_CL
| extend TimeGenerated = todatetime(EventTime_s), TotalBytesSent = todouble(TotalBytesSent_s)
| summarize TimeGenerated=make_list(TimeGenerated, 10000),TotalBytesSent=make_list(TotalBytesSent, 10000) by deviceVendor_s
| project TimeGenerated, TotalBytesSent;
| extend (baseline,seasonal,trend,residual) = series_decompose(TotalBytesSent)
| mv-expand TotalBytesSent to typeof(double), TimeGenerated to typeof(datetime),
  baseline to typeof(long), seasonal to typeof(long), trend to typeof(long), residual to typeof(long)
| project TimeGenerated, TotalBytesSent, baseline
| render timechart with (title="Palo Alto Outbound Data Transfer Time Series decomposition")
%kql -query timechartquery