msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools module

Checker functions for Azure ML notebooks.

msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools.check_mp_ver(min_msticpy_ver: Union[str, Tuple], extras: Optional[List[str]])

Check and optionally update the current version of msticpy.

  • min_msticpy_ver (Tuple[int, int]) – Minimum MSTICPy version

  • extras (Optional[List[str]], optional) – A list of extras required for MSTICPy


ImportError – If MSTICPy version is insufficient and we need to upgrade

msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools.check_python_ver(min_py_ver: Union[str, Tuple] = '3.6')

Check the current version of the Python kernel.


min_py_ver (Tuple[int, int]) – Minimum Python version


RuntimeError – If the Python version does not support the notebook.

msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools.check_versions(min_py_ver: Union[str, Tuple] = '3.6', min_mp_ver: Union[str, Tuple] = '2.0.0-pre2', extras: Optional[List[str]] = None, mp_release: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Check the current versions of the Python kernel and MSTICPy.

  • min_py_ver (Union[Tuple[int, int], str]) – Minimum Python version

  • min_mp_ver (Union[Tuple[int, int], str]) – Minimum MSTICPy version

  • extras (Optional[List[str]], optional) – A list of extras required for MSTICPy

  • mp_release (Optional[str], optional) – Override the MSTICPy release version. This can also be specified in the environment variable ‘MP_TEST_VER’


RuntimeError – If the Python version does not support the notebook. If the MSTICPy version does not support the notebook and the user chose not to upgrade

msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools.get_aml_user_folder() Optional[Path]

Return the root of the user folder.


Return True if running in Azure Machine Learning.


Populate new or existing msticpyconfig with settings from config.json.