msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools module

Checker functions for Azure ML notebooks.

msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools.check_aml_settings(min_py_ver: str | Tuple = '3.10.0', min_mp_ver: str | Tuple = '2.16.0', extras: List[str] | None = None, mp_release: str | None = None, **kwargs)

Check the current versions of the Python kernel and MSTICPy.

  • min_py_ver (Union[Tuple[int, int], str]) – Minimum Python version

  • min_mp_ver (Union[Tuple[int, int], str]) – Minimum MSTICPy version

  • extras (Optional[List[str]], optional) – A list of extras required for MSTICPy

  • mp_release (Optional[str], optional) – Override the MSTICPy release version. This can also be specified in the environment variable ‘MP_TEST_VER’


RuntimeError – If the Python version does not support the notebook. If the MSTICPy version does not support the notebook and the user chose not to upgrade

msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools.check_mp_ver(min_msticpy_ver: str | Tuple, extras: List[str] | None)

Check and optionally update the current version of msticpy.

  • min_msticpy_ver (Tuple[int, int]) – Minimum MSTICPy version

  • extras (Optional[List[str]], optional) – A list of extras required for MSTICPy


ImportError – If MSTICPy version is insufficient and we need to upgrade

msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools.check_python_ver(min_py_ver: str | Tuple = '3.10.0')

Check the current version of the Python kernel.


min_py_ver (Tuple[int, int]) – Minimum Python version


RuntimeError – If the Python version does not support the notebook.

msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools.check_versions(min_py_ver: str | Tuple = '3.10.0', min_mp_ver: str | Tuple = '2.16.0', extras: List[str] | None = None, mp_release: str | None = None, **kwargs)

Check the current versions of the Python kernel and MSTICPy.

  • min_py_ver (Union[Tuple[int, int], str]) – Minimum Python version

  • min_mp_ver (Union[Tuple[int, int], str]) – Minimum MSTICPy version

  • extras (Optional[List[str]], optional) – A list of extras required for MSTICPy

  • mp_release (Optional[str], optional) – Override the MSTICPy release version. This can also be specified in the environment variable ‘MP_TEST_VER’


RuntimeError – If the Python version does not support the notebook. If the MSTICPy version does not support the notebook and the user chose not to upgrade

msticpy.init.azure_ml_tools.get_aml_user_folder() Path | None

Return the root of the user folder.


Return True if running in Azure Machine Learning.


Return True if running in Spark on Azure Machine Learning.


Populate new or existing msticpyconfig with settings from config.json.