msticpy.context.lookup module

Generic Module for Lookup classes.

Input can be a single item or a pandas DataFrame containing multiple items. Processing may require a an API key and processing performance may be limited to a specific number of requests per minute for the account type that you have.

class msticpy.context.lookup.Lookup(providers: list[str] | None = None, *, primary_providers: list[Provider] | None = None, secondary_providers: list[Provider] | None = None)

Bases: object

Item lookup from providers.

Initialize TILookup instance.

  • primary_providers (Optional[list[Provider]], optional) – Primary Providers, by default None

  • secondary_providers (Optional[list[Provider]], optional) – Secondary Providers, by default None

  • providers (Optional[list[str]], optional) – List of provider names to load, by default all available providers are loaded. To see the list of available providers call TILookup.list_available_providers(). Note: if primary_provides or secondary_providers is specified This will override the providers list.

CUSTOM_PROVIDERS: ClassVar[dict[str, type[Provider]]]
PACKAGE: ClassVar[str] = ''
PROVIDERS: ClassVar[dict[str, tuple[str, str]]] = {}
add_provider(provider: Provider, name: str | None = None, *, primary: bool = True) None

Add a provider to the current collection.

  • provider (TIProvider) – Provider instance

  • name (str, optional) – The name to use for the provider (overrides the class name of provider)

  • primary (bool, optional) – “primary” or “secondary” if False, by default “primary”

property available_providers: list[str]

Return a list of builtin and plugin providers.


List of TI Provider classes.

Return type:


classmethod browse(data: pd.DataFrame, severities: list[str] | None = None, *, height: str = '300px') SelectItem | None

Return TI Results list browser.

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – TI Results data from TIProviders

  • severities (Optional[list[str]], optional) – A list of the severity classes to show. By default these are [‘warning’, ‘high’]. Pass [‘information’, ‘warning’, ‘high’] to see all results.

  • height (str, Optional) – Height of the widget


SelectItem browser for TI Data.

Return type:


classmethod browse_results(data: pd.DataFrame, severities: list[str] | None = None, *, height: str = '300px') SelectItem | None

Return TI Results list browser.

  • data (pd.DataFrame) – TI Results data from TIProviders

  • severities (Optional[list[str]], optional) – A list of the severity classes to show. By default these are [‘warning’, ‘high’]. Pass [‘information’, ‘warning’, ‘high’] to see all results.

  • height (str, Optional) – Height of the widget


SelectItem browser for TI Data.

Return type:


property configured_providers: list[str]

Return a list of available providers that have configuration details present.


List of TI Provider classes.

Return type:


disable_provider(providers: str | Iterable[str]) None

Set the provider as secondary (not used by default).


providers (Union[str, Iterable[str]) – Provider name or list of names. Use list_available_providers() to see the list of loaded providers.


ValueError – If the provider name is not recognized.

enable_provider(providers: str | Iterable[str]) None

Set the provider(s) as primary (used by default).


providers (Union[str, Iterable[str]) – Provider name or list of names. Use list_available_providers() to see the list of loaded providers.


ValueError – If the provider name is not recognized.

classmethod import_provider(provider: str) type[Provider]

Import provider class.

classmethod list_available_providers(*, show_query_types: bool = False, as_list: bool = False) list[str] | None

Print a list of builtin providers with optional usage.

  • show_query_types (bool, optional) – Show query types supported by providers, by default False

  • as_list (bool, optional) – Return list of providers instead of printing to stdout. Note: if you specify show_query_types this will be printed irrespective of this parameter setting.


A list of provider names (if return_list=True)

Return type:


property loaded_providers: dict[str, Provider]

Return dictionary of loaded providers.



Return type:

dict[str, TIProvider]

lookup_item(item: str, item_type: str | None = None, query_type: str | None = None, providers: list[str] | None = None, default_providers: list[str] | None = None, prov_scope: str = 'primary', *, show_not_supported: bool = False, start: dt.datetime | None = None, end: dt.datetime | None = None) pd.DataFrame

Lookup single item in active providers.

  • item (str) – item to lookup

  • item_type (str, optional) – One of ItemExtract.ItemType, by default None If none, the Item type will be inferred

  • query_type (str, optional) – The query type (e.g. rep, info, malware)

  • providers (list[str]) – Explicit list of providers to use

  • default_providers (Optional[list[str]], optional) – Used by pivot functions as a fallback to providers. If providers is specified, it will override this parameter.

  • prov_scope (str, optional) – Use “primary”, “secondary” or “all” providers, by default “primary”

  • show_not_supported (bool) – If True, display unsupported items. Defaults to False

  • start (dt.datetime) – If supported by the provider, start time for the item’s validity

  • end (dt.datetime) – If supported by the provider, end time for the item’s validity


DataFrame of results

Return type:


lookup_items(data: pd.DataFrame | Mapping[str, str] | Sized, item_col: str | None = None, item_type_col: str | None = None, query_type: str | None = None, providers: list[str] | None = None, default_providers: list[str] | None = None, prov_scope: str = 'primary', *, show_not_supported: bool = False, start: dt.datetime | None = None, end: dt.datetime | None = None) pd.DataFrame

Lookup a collection of items.

  • data (Union[pd.DataFrame, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[str]]) – Data input in one of three formats: 1. Pandas dataframe (you must supply the column name in item_col parameter) 2. Mapping (e.g. a dict) of [item, ItemType] 3. Iterable of items - ItemTypes will be inferred

  • item_col (str, optional) – DataFrame column to use for items, by default None (“col” and “column” are also aliases for this parameter)

  • item_type_col (str, optional) – DataFrame column to use for ItemTypes, by default None

  • query_type (str, optional) – The item query type (e.g. rep, info, malware)

  • providers (list[str]) – Explicit list of providers to use

  • default_providers (Optional[list[str]], optional) – Used by pivot functions as a fallback to providers. If providers is specified, it will override this parameter.

  • prov_scope (str, optional) – Use “primary”, “secondary” or “all” providers, by default “primary”

  • show_not_supported (bool) – If True, display unsupported items. Defaults to False

  • start (dt.datetime) – If supported by the provider, start time for the item’s validity

  • end (dt.datetime) – If supported by the provider, end time for the item’s validity

  • progress (bool) – Use progress bar to track completion, by default True


DataFrame of results

Return type:


lookup_items_sync(data: pd.DataFrame | Mapping[str, str] | Iterable[str], item_col: str | None = None, item_type_col: str | None = None, query_type: str | None = None, providers: list[str] | None = None, default_providers: list[str] | None = None, prov_scope: str = 'primary', *, col: str | None = None, column: str | None = None, show_not_supported: bool = False, show_bad_item: bool = False) pd.DataFrame

Lookup a collection of items.

  • data (Union[pd.DataFrame, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[str]]) – Data input in one of three formats: 1. Pandas dataframe (you must supply the column name in item_col parameter) 2. Mapping (e.g. a dict) of [item, ItemType] 3. Iterable of items - ItemTypes will be inferred

  • item_col (str, optional) – DataFrame column to use for items, by default None (“col” and “column” are also aliases for this parameter)

  • item_type_col (str, optional) – DataFrame column to use for ItemTypes, by default None

  • query_type (str, optional) – The item query type (e.g. rep, info, malware)

  • providers (list[str]) – Explicit list of providers to use

  • default_providers (Optional[list[str]], optional) – Used by pivot functions as a fallback to providers. If providers is specified, it will override this parameter.

  • prov_scope (str, optional) – Use “primary”, “secondary” or “all” providers, by default “primary”

  • col (str, Optional) – Name of the column holding the data

  • column (str, Optional) – Name of the column holding the data

  • show_not_supported (bool, Optional) – Set to True to include unsupported items in the result DF. Defaults to False

  • show_bad_item (bool, Optional) – Set to True to include invalid items in the result DF. Defaults to False


DataFrame of results

Return type:


property provider_status: Iterable[str]

Return loaded provider status.


List of providers and descriptions.

Return type:


provider_usage() None

Print usage of loaded providers.

classmethod reload_provider_settings() None

Reload provider settings from config.

reload_providers() None

Reload settings and provider classes.

static result_to_df(item_lookup: DataFrame) DataFrame

Return DataFrame representation of Lookup response.


item_lookup (pd.DataFrame) – Output from lookup_item


The response as a DataFrame with a row for each provider response.

Return type:


set_provider_state(prov_dict: dict[str, bool]) None

Set a dict of providers to primary/secondary.


prov_dict (dict[str, bool]) – Dictionary of provider name and bool - True if enabled/primary, False if disabled/secondary.

class msticpy.context.lookup.ProgressCounter(total: int)

Bases: object

Progress counter for async tasks.

Initialize the class.

async decrement(increment: int = 1) None

Decrement the counter.

async get_remaining() int

Get the current remaining count.