Mixin Classes for Sentinel Analytics Features.
- class*, connect: bool = False, cloud: str | None = None)
Mixin class for Sentinel Hunting feature integrations.
Initialize connector for Azure Python SDK.
- add_tag(indicator_id: str, tag: str) None
Add a tag to an existing indicator.
- Parameters:
indicator_id (str) – The GUID of the indicator to add a tag to.
tag (str) – The tag to add.
- bulk_create_indicators(data: pd.DataFrame, indicator_column: str = 'Observable', indicator_type_column: str = 'IoCType', *, confidence_column: str | None = None) None
Bulk create indicators from a DataFrame.
- Parameters:
data (pd.DataFrame) – A dataframe containing indicators and indicator types
indicator_column (str, optional) – The column containing indicator values to create, by default “Observable”
indicator_type_column (str, optional) – The column containing indicator type values, by default “IoCType”
confidence_column (str, optional) – The column containing indicator confidence values, by default 0 value used.
- check_connected() None
Check that Sentinel workspace is connected.
- connect(auth_methods: list[str] | None = None, tenant_id: str | None = None, *, silent: bool = False, cloud: str | None = None, **kwargs) None
Authenticate to the Azure SDK.
- Parameters:
auth_methods (List, optional) – list of preferred authentication methods to use, by default None
tenant_id (str, optional) – The tenant to authenticate against. If not supplied, the default tenant for the identity will be used.
silent (bool, optional) – Set true to prevent output during auth process, by default False
cloud (str, optional) – What Azure cloud to connect to. By default it will attempt to use the cloud setting from config file. If this is not set it will default to Azure Public Cloud
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the az_connect function.
- Raises:
CloudError – If no valid credentials are found or if subscription client can’t be created
See also
function to authenticate to Azure SDK
- create_indicator(indicator: str, ioc_type: str, name: str = 'TI Indicator', confidence: int = 0, *, silent: bool = False, description: str | None = None, labels: list | None = None, kill_chain_phases: list | None = None, threat_types: list | None = None, external_references: list | None = None, valid_from: dt.datetime | None = None, valid_to: dt.datetime | None = None) str
Create a new indicator within the Microsoft Sentinel workspace.
- Parameters:
indicator (str) – The indicator to create - i.e. IP address, domain name etc.
ioc_type (str) – The type of indicator to create - can be: “dns”, “url”, “ipv4”, “ipv6”, “md5_hash”, “sha1_hash”, “sha256_hash”
name (str, optional) – A common name to give to the indicator default is ‘TI Indicator’
confidence (int, optional) – A score between 0-100 of the confidence in the indicator, defualt is 0
silent (bool, optional) – If True no output is displayed, defaults to False
description (str, optional) – An description of the indicator
labels (list, optional) – A list of string object labels to associate with the indicator
kill_chain_phases (list, optional) – A list of string objects relating to the kill chain phases an indicator is assocaited with
threat_types (list, optional) – A list of threat types associated with the indicator (list of string objects)
external_references (list, optional) – A list of URLs that provide an external reference for the indicator
valid_from (datetime, optional) – A datetime from which the indicator is valid from, defaults to now
valid_to (datetime, optional) – A datetime to which the indicator is valid until
- Return type:
The ID of the created indicator
- Raises:
MsticpyUserError – If invalid ioc_type or confidence value provided
CloudError – If API call fails
- delete_indicator(indicator_id: str) None
Delete a specific TI indicator.
- Parameters:
indicator_id (str) – The GUID of the indicator to delete
- Raises:
CloudError – If API call fails
- get_all_indicators(limit: int | None = None, orderby: str | None = None) pd.DataFrame
Return all TI indicators in a Microsoft Sentinel workspace.
- Parameters:
limit (int, optional) – If set returns top n results
orderby (Optional[str], optional) – Order results by a specific column
- Returns:
A table of the custom hunting queries.
- Return type:
- get_indicator(indicator_id: str) dict
Get a specific indicator by its ID.
- Parameters:
indicator_id (str) – The GUID of the indicator to get
- Returns:
Indicator details
- Return type:
- Raises:
CloudError – If API call fails.
- get_metrics(metrics: str, resource_id: str, sub_id: str, sample_time: str = 'hour', start_time: int = 30) dict[str, DataFrame]
Return specified metrics on Azure Resource.
- Parameters:
metrics (str) – A string list of metrics you wish to collect (
resource_id (str) – The resource ID of the resource to collet the metrics from
sub_id (str) – The subscription ID that the resource is part of
sample_time (str (Optional)) – You can select to collect the metrics every hour of minute - default is hour Accepted inputs = ‘hour’ or ‘minute’
start_time (int (Optional)) – The number of days prior to today to collect metrics for, default is 30
- Returns:
results – A Dictionary of DataFrames containing the metrics details
- Return type:
- get_network_details(network_id: str, sub_id: str) tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]
Return details related to an Azure network interface and associated NSG.
- Parameters:
network_id (str) – The ID of the network interface to return details on
sub_id (str) – The subscription ID that the network interface is part of
- Returns:
details – A dictionary of items related to the network interface
- Return type:
- get_resource_details(sub_id: str, resource_id: str | None = None, resource_details: dict[str, Any] | None = None) dict
Return the details of a specific Azure resource.
- Parameters:
resource_id (str, optional) – The ID of the resource to get details on
resource_details (dict, optional) –
- If ID is unknown provide the following details:
-resource_group_name -resource_provider_namespace -resource_type -resource_name -parent_resource_path
sub_id (str) – The ID of the subscription to get resources from
- Returns:
resource_details – The details of the requested resource
- Return type:
- get_resources(sub_id: str, rgroup: str | None = None, *, get_props: bool = False) pd.DataFrame
Return details on all resources in a subscription or Resource Group.
- Parameters:
sub_id (str) – The subscription ID to get resources for
rgroup (str (Optional)) – The name of a Resource Group to get resources for
get_props (bool (Optional)) – Set to True if you want to get the full properties of every resource Warning this may be a slow process depending on the number of resources
- Returns:
A dataframe of resource details
- Return type:
- get_sentinel_workspaces(sub_id: str) dict[str, str]
Return a list of Microsoft Sentinel workspaces in a Subscription.
- Parameters:
sub_id (str) – The subscription ID to get a list of workspaces from. If not provided it will attempt to get sub_id from config files.
- Returns:
A dictionary of workspace names and ids
- Return type:
- get_subscription_info(sub_id: str) dict
Get information on a specific subscription.
- Parameters:
sub_id (str) – The ID of the subscription to return details on.
- Returns:
Details on the selected subscription.
- Return type:
- Raises:
MsticpyNotConnectedError – If .connect() has not been called.
- get_subscriptions() DataFrame
Get details of all subscriptions within the tenant.
- Returns:
Details of the subscriptions present in the users tenant.
- Return type:
- Raises:
MsticpyNotConnectedError – If .connect() has not been called
- get_ti_metrics() pd.DataFrame
Return metrics about TI indicators in a Microsoft Sentinel workspace.
- Returns:
A table of the custom hunting queries.
- Return type:
- list_sentinel_workspaces(sub_id: str) dict[str, str]
Return a list of Microsoft Sentinel workspaces in a Subscription.
- Parameters:
sub_id (str) – The subscription ID to get a list of workspaces from. If not provided it will attempt to get sub_id from config files.
- Returns:
A dictionary of workspace names and ids
- Return type:
- query_indicators(*, include_disabled: bool = False, keywords: str | None = None, min_confidence: int = 0, max_confidence: int = 100, max_valid_until: str | None = None, min_valid_until: str | None = None, page_size: int | None = None, pattern_types: list[str] | None = None, sort_by: list[str] | None = None, sources: list[str] | None = None, threat_types: list[str] | None = None) pd.DataFrame
Query for indicators in a Sentinel workspace.
- Parameters:
include_disabled (bool, optional) – Parameter to include/exclude disabled indicators.
keywords (str, optional) – Keyword for searching threat intelligence indicators Use this to search for specific indicator values.
max_confidence (int, optional) – Maximum confidence.
max_valid_until (str, optional) – End time for ValidUntil filter.
min_confidence (int, optional) – Minimum confidence.
min_valid_until (str, optional) – Start time for ValidUntil filter.
page_size (int, optional) – Maximum number of results to return in one page.
pattern_types (list, optional) – A list of IoC types to include.
sort_by (List, optional) – Columns to sort by and sorting order as: [{“itemKey”: COLUMN_NAME, “sortOrder”: ascending/descending}]
sources (list, optional) – A list of indicator sources to include
threat_types (list, optional) – A list of Threat types to include
- Returns:
A set of matching indicators
- Return type:
- Raises:
CloudError – If API call fails
- update_indicator(indicator_id: str, *, name: str | None = None, confidence: int = 0, description: str | None = None, labels: list[str] | None = None, kill_chain_phases: list | None = None, threat_types: list | None = None, external_references: list | None = None, valid_from: dt.datetime | None = None, valid_to: dt.datetime | None = None) None
Update an existing indicator within the Microsoft Sentinel workspace.
- Parameters:
indicator_id (str) – The GUID of the indicator to update
name (str, optional) – A common name to give to the indicator default is ‘TI Indicator’
confidence (int, optional) – A score between 0-100 of the confidence in the indicator
description (str, optional) – An description of the indicator
labels (list, optional) – A list of string object labels to associate with the indicator
kill_chain_phases (list, optional) – A list of string objects relating to the kill chain phases an indicator is assocaited with
threat_types (list, optional) – A list of threat types associated with the indicator (list of string objects)
external_references (list, optional) – A list of URLs that provide an external reference for the indicator
valid_from (datetime, optional) – A datetime from which the indicator is valid from, defaults to now
valid_to (datetime, optional) – A datetime to which the indicator is valid until
- Raises:
CloudError – If API call fails